
Monday, January 17, 2011

Make Monday: Make It A Learning Opportunity

Learning opportunities are everywhere. My preschooler helps me with my coupons (if it is 40 cents off of two, how much is saved on one item?), my toddler counts items for me and points out animals and fruits.

Last week I mentioned "Making a Difference" with the "Save the Barn" project I've been working on. We were blessed with a unique experience to visit a radio station to talk about the cause. I decided to load the whole family up so Liam could see a "real life" radio station and see how it works. Sean (my 20 month old) and Brendan (6 months) didn't understand but Liam was very excited. Before hand, we listened to the radio, talked about how people could tune in to the station in their home, car or office and he "helped" me get my notes and talking points in order.

When we arrived at the station, he was interested in the headphones and microphone. Ed Fallon, host of the radio show, allowed Liam to put the headphones on and talk into the microphone (at a commercial, of course).

Liam knew why we were there "Because we have to save the barn!" and thought it was neat that mommy was on the radio.

You can turn any thing into a learning opportunity....and a cute photo op for their scrapbook.

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