
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Salvation Sunday: Saving Yourself From Cabin Fever

It's cold. The kids are going crazy. Everyone has cabin fever. It's times like these that you get stressed. But you can turn it around.

Be sure to be thankful to God that you have a cabin to get "fever" in.

Be thankful you have a warm home in these below zero temps.

Be thankful you have electricity to heat your food, gas to heat your water and home and fuel to power your vehicles. 

Be thankful.

So when you can't take another minute of the kids screaming, taking their diaper off and running around the house, be thankful. It's warm enough in your home for them TO take their diaper off. They aren't worrying about what they're going to eat, they're having fun playing.

And if you pause, just for a moment and think of it this way, it doesn't seem so bad.

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