
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tip Tuesday: The Lost Art!

Dear Lucia,

Thank you very much for the delicious desserts over the Holidays. We appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity as well as your friendship. We enjoyed the desserts very much, even enjoying them with company.

Thanks again,

Rittgers Family

Anymore it seems like thank you notes are a lost art. What is even more rare are hand written thank you notes in this age of electronic communication. To sit down and express appreciation for a gift or an act seems almost intimidating.

Today's tip is to encourage us all to write a thank you note to someone.

Do not underestimate the effect of what a hand written thank you card can do. A personal thank you note can encourage a friend, letting them know that you appreciate them. A simple thank you card sent to a potential employer for interviewing puts your name on a noticeable, influential list. Expressing your appreciation to a service man/woman solidifies the meaning of their hard work and sacrifices. A thank you to your host after a baby shower in your honor is the proper gesture of appreciation.

So how do you write a thank you, you ask?


Timing is everything. Try to send a thank you as quickly as possible. Generally, thank you notes are sent a week after the event or gift was received with the exception of wedding gifts and a someone who is in the hospital. Wedding gifts are usually sent within three months after the ceremony and for someone who is ill, thank you's are sent once they are well again.


Personalize your thank yous. You do not realize how unappreciative a form thank you can be until you receive it before the event or a gift is even opened.


Write appropriately according to the type of event. An informal thank you is just fine unless you are thanking someone for wedding gifts. Never use a ripped piece of kitchen note pad paper (even if you are in a hurry).

Will I better go write some thank you notes, before it is too late for Christmas gifts. Will you join me?

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