You remember the question, "How do you eat an elephant?" The answer is to be expected, "one bite at a time." This saying is true to our lives and the reality of our influence.
Sometimes as moms our lives fill up with everyday life, that from a distance we watch the world pass us by as other people pursue their dreams, have a hand to lend to a cause, solve the worlds problems, and much more. I often wonder how can I be of lasting influence to the world around me, when I have neither the time or means.
Then I stop to reach the world around you, you start with the person next to you, one person at a time, as you would "eat an elephant."
The people closest to me are my husband and my son. I am influencing the world more than I know by starting with these. The only legacy that will last are the people I leave behind.
This makes the monotony and sacrifice of motherhood worth all the fuss. So the next time I am changing dirty diapers, chasing a grumpy toddler, or cleaning the house, I need to remind myself of the ministry to my family. On those days, I think myself crazy for having a kid or getting married, I must focus on my circle of my influence. Then when I start feeling dissatisfied with my work, feeling unappreciated or unimportant, I need to ask God to renew my spirit and strength in light of my purpose on earth.
When at last my son wraps his hands around my neck in a hug, my heart is rewarded. The investment I put forth in the lives of my son and my husband far outweighs being a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, owning lots of material possessions and properties, and accessing power.
In turn, start to see the fruit of your labor go beyond your husband and son as they reach the world around them with the same attitude. You will also influence the world at the same time you reach out to your family. The values you teach, the morals you practice, and the memories you make will outlive your legacy.
Don't waste this precious gift..."But my live is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus...the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God." Acts 20:24
Very very true!