
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Toy Thursday: No! That's Your Brother's Toy!

Having three boys under the age of 6 is fun. It's even more fun that my youngest two are only 15 months apart. My middle child LOVES to go after his big brother's toys and baby brother's toys. It's hard to keep the small parts out of the babies reach and the big boys from taking the baby's toys away.

We bought a jumparoo when our first child was about 6 months old. It was the BEST $70 we've ever spent. Our oldest LOVED it. He would wake up at 4am and wouldn't be content until we took him out into the living room and let him jump himself to sleep.

Our middle child was rough with the jumparoo. He would get it swinging back and forth and back and forth, almost knocking it over. At about nine months, the jumparoo was put away.

Then came baby number three. He LOVES the jumparoo. But middle brother must remember how much fun it can be. He tries to climb into it himself (who am I kidding with "tries", he does) and can't get out. Safely, that is.

My oldest understand which toys are his, which ones are middle brothers and which ones belong to baby. Middle brother is "getting there". I have a feeling there will be many more fights over toys in our house...but the toys will probably be bigger ticket items, like cars.

Pass the Tylenol. I'm not ready for that headache yet.

1 comment:

  1. I've got a 3.5 year old and an 8 month old so we've just started to get into that stage. He's crawling too, so he takes her toys away. Fun times.



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