Here's a ball! (make ball with thumb and index finger )
And here's a ball! (make ball with other thumb and index)
A great big ball, I see! (put arms up and touch fingers)
Shall we count them?
Are you ready?
One, Two, Three (make all three balls in succession)
Judah loves balls! He likes balls so much that we got him some vinyl balls for Christmas. Grandma even got him another set of sports balls. You have to be careful in our house for fear of tripping over a ball.
Often we think up of indoor "ball" games that we can play during the coldest of winter days. We roll them as hot potatoes, spin them into circles, watch them slide down the stairs, dribble them, and much more. The vinyl balls even squeak, rattle, and squish to music. And I always have a small ball in my diaper bag for the road.
Balls are one of those universal toys that you can do just about anything with.
Recently, we got the laundry baskets out to play some "basketball." We roll them or throw them into the basket to score points. Another fun activity is to bowl. We have little animals bowling pins that we set up and knock them down with the balls. You can use stacking cups from your cupboard if you do not have bowling pins. Sometimes, we play fetch with the cat with a ball that lights up. Other times we watch the bouncy balls go very high. We talk about the different textures and colors of our balls and what they are used for.
To find some fun, colorful, washable, and reasonably priced balls, visit Lakeshore Preschool.
You had me laughing SO HARD. :)