We have a bad case of spiders at our house....I really mean home made spider decorations for Halloween and Fall.
Making these spiders provided fun Fall crafting entertainment. Judah enjoyed singing the Itsy Bisty Spider song while making them in addition to learning about how many legs a spider has. Mom had all the supplies on hand making the project easy. And the decorations are adorable displayed all over the house adding cheap seasonal flare.
empty and cleaned Styrofoam egg carton
2 pipe cleaners
craft eyes
paints (optional)
hole punch
First, we cut the egg carton into individual pieces with scissors. Next, Judah used finger paints to paint designs on the pieces. He later also took markers and colored on top of the paint once dried making a mouth. Mommy glued on the craft eyes with a little help. We then cut the 2 pipe cleaners into even 8 pieces for the legs, sticking them into the Styrofoam carton and bent to stand. For some spiders we hole punched a hole in the back, tying on string to hang.
For different variations, use different colors of pipe cleaners for the legs. You may make a similar design of spider by using a large craft pom pom as the body and small craft pom poms for the eyes. Glue them onto clothes pins to hang around the house. Also, try making a mobile by hanging several from a coat hanger. For added fun, try looping the string through a paper towel tube as the water spout, watching the spider go up and down.
Lessons Learned
This project is geared more for preschool aged as Judah probably had more fun sorting the pipe cleaners and coloring. Also, be careful of the sharp edges of the pipe cleaners and other tools. Washable markers work the best on the egg cartons. Once the paint dried, it flaked into little pieces during the remainder of the project.
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