
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Shuffle Saturday: Those Random Kids.

So today we went on an family outing to the Living History Farms in Des Moines. Yes, we used our free tickets celebrating Museum Day. We enjoyed the day looking at the farm animals, riding the tractor, and running up and down the old town board walk - all thanks to Judah who kept us moving!

At one point we were walking along on the path and this random kid comes up to hang out with my son. He was much older but started playing with him and talking to him. Later, the same thing happened as we were watching the pigs on the farmstead. A girl older than Judah came up to start hanging out with us. She was just carrying up a conversation and followed us from one exhibit to another while at the farm.

Both times, I remember thinking, "where are their parents." I am not opposed to being social or making new friends. As a matter of fact both Judah and I are people magnets as we love to be social.

This was different though. I almost felt like these kids were hanging out with us for the attention. No parents in sight. They were not really being bad but perhaps maybe a little annoying or daring. They wanted someone to talk too. Show off too. Hang with. Tell them no even.

I cannot count how many times this happened to me this summer while Judah and I went places. I recount one instance at the play ground this young girl hung out with us while we swung. Imagine my dismay when she asked me to push her on the swing.

Again, I have no problem with kids. And does not God call us to love and be kind to others.

Rather my problem lies in where are the parents. It makes me sad to think that parents do not care where their kids are, what they are doing, or what interests their child. The fact that a child goes up to a total stranger and starts telling their life story disturbs me to no end. Do parents really not have time or a care for their kids?

It kind of reminds me of the mom who drops their kids off at the mall for a couple of hours. Thoughts?

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