Have you ever noticed that laundry baskets get dirty? That is right. All those leftover pieces of lint, hair, and particles seem to litter your basket even after using it for clean clothes.
I cringe when I think about the germs that reside from dirty laundry on the laundry basket. Perhaps that is why I try to use baskets for just dirty clothes. You have clothes from outdoors. You have damp clothes. You have clothes that have food growing on them (cause if you are like me, you do not get them cleaned right away). You have sheets from sick kids. And you are leftover with mold and germs growing all over the basket including the handles. Yuck.
I keep separate clothes baskets for clean clothes. Yet, these baskets still seem to find remains straggling in the bottom of the basket. Leftover washed lint, hair, and dirt find there way to the bottom. These baskets are magnets for dirt.
So that is why I recommend cleaning out your laundry containers periodically whether for dirty clothes, clean clothes, or any other contents hauled around the house. Most of the time I simply take a Clorox wipe to wipe down those nasty germs from the bottom of the basket, sides, and handles. Other times I spray disinfectant to remove smelly mold and random spots growing on the bottom.
Separating your clean laundry from dirty laundry will also help minimize the passing of these dirty particles. You will also not have to clean your baskets as often. Lastly, try to hang up damp, wet clothes and wash kitchen items with food on them as soon as possible.
Good luck with your laundry baskets.
To tackle more dirt magnets, read the following tips about the top of refrigerator, unwanted dust bunnies, the high chair, lamp shades, and the silverware container.
Since I do at least two loads (yes, you read that right) a day, most of my dirty clothes are on the bathroom floor...for less than 24 hours. I really want a hamper when we get a house. :) That being said, I've had the same laundry basket since I graduated high school...it's a trooper!