
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tip Tuesday: Be Frugal With Your Scents (cents)

HA! See what I did there? Now that you're laughing, I'm going to make you feel uncomfortable.

How does your house smell? No, really. How does your house smell? With two in diapers, my house smells rather...interesting, depending on the day.

I've been getting some great deals at Bath and Body Works on candles but it's not safe to having a candle lit around a toddler who likes to climb. I can light a candle when he goes to bed (and make sure I blow it out before I go to bed) but I don't want to forget it.

So what's a mom to do?

The other day, I made an apple pie. Yes, from scratch. I reserved the peelings from the apples and the apple cores and when I washed my hands of the sugar/cinnamon, I washed it over the pot (small pot) that contained my peels.

I put the pot on the back burner and set it on low. And boy, did it smell good. Granted, I did have an apple pie baking in the oven, but even after an hour after the pie had cooled (and made sure to add a little more water) my house STILL smelled like there was an apple pie baking in the oven.

Not only was I pleased that I re-used the apple peels (yay frugal!) but it made the house smell like all of my boys were potty trained.

I have a feeling potty training is still a few years away for Baby B. But at least my house doesn't have to smell like diapers!


  1. And if you keep a compost pile, throw the peelings in when you're done scenting up the place! THanks for joining the Frugal Tuesday Tip.

  2. And join me for a coupon exchange next weekend! I can't believe it's almost Oct.


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