Moms need a little break from time to time, so stop by and re-energize your mind with tips, thoughts, and a few laughs from other moms with young kids.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Food Friday: Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breasts aka Hulk Smash Chicken
I also made it for my co-author after she had her baby (but went easy on the red pepper flakes) and they loved it too!
Here's what you need:
Chicken breasts (4-6...however many you need to feed)
16 oz of Sour Cream
1 bag of shredded cheese (I like Pizza cheese OR Monterrey Jack---any white cheese)
Red Pepper flakes
Garlic Powder
1 package (10oz or so) of frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained
A jar of Alfredo sauce
Package of Fettuccine noodles
Slit the breasts so you can stuff them and lay them in a greased/sprayed baking dish.
Mix the sour cream, cheese, 1/2 of the spinach and red pepper and garlic powder to taste. You like hot food, more red pepper. More garlic flavor, add more garlic. Stuff (this is the fun part) the chicken breasts with the mixture. If you have leftover "stuffing", spread it on top of the chicken breasts.
Put in a 350 degree oven for 35 minutes.
Place the remaining spinach in a sauce pan and cover with jar of Alfredo sauce. Boil water and cook the noodles, heat up the sauce containing spinach. Drain the noodles, pour the sauce over the noodles and toss. Put noodles/sauce on the plate, add chicken on the top.
It is SO yummy and my boys LOVE it. And even if I feel silly saying "Hulk Smash Chicken", he's eating spinach. And he likes it!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Toy Thursday: Stuffed Animals...What are we to do?

Why is it that people love to give stuffed animals? It seems that stuffed animals find their way home as gifts for many different celebrations. Most stuffed animals are bought because they are soft, cuddly, and know just like the child or the special memory you have in mind.
Stuffed animals can easily take over your house before you know it. That was what one mother's concern recently in response to an older post. She asked why people just keep giving stuffed animals. We have to ask what purpose do they serve except for a few cuddles here and there.
My son Judah has a whole zoo in his bed. I am not sure how he sleeps without rolling over them throughout the night, yet he insists on having all of them - the monkey, the puppy, the tiger, the elephant, another puppy, another elephant (called the red one), the duck, the little white bear (I think that is all of them). Only so many fit in the bed. Then we have some on his shelf on the wall. And do not forget the giant animals that sit in the little chairs around the room - the monkey and the elephant.
On top of that, I still have my stuffed animals from when I grew up. So I did hold onto a few sentimental ones given to me by family. Take my blue jean bear, this is perhaps one of the only gifts I remember getting from my paternal grandpa. Then I have my bear that is made out of my fur coat from when I was five years old (I even had a muff to go with it). Let's face it, these soft cuddly things do find their way in our hearts.
Most of the time though they end up cluttering your child's room. And it is always hard to find a home for them. If you decorate with them on the bed or the rocker, they get thrown to the floor at some point. Perhaps that is why we put some up on the shelf to look at. Then you run into the problem of the velveteen rabbit.
Perhaps the most disconcerting thing about stuffed animals is that they get dirty over time and then what do you do. I absolutely find it disgusting to see stuffed animals at garage sales or secondhand shops. You never know to what adventures that furry thing has been up to.
Recently, I washed some of Judah's animals in the clothes washer because he had vomited on them. I washed them on a cold, gentle cycle like I would pillows. Surprisingly and thankfully they came out clean and like fluffy new. Of course washing animals depends on the materials used to make the animal as not all can be cleaned.
Even so, on one hand I cuddle up with the stuffed animals, loathing their furry softness, with my child as we wind down for the night. And on the other hand I am plagued with the difficulties of storing and caring for these monsters. Yet, I do agree that it is important to have a few around to enjoy. Oh - the stuffed animal dilemma....
Quick Mommy Time Out: Cheap Movie Tickets!!
Follow this link sign up and get your movie tickets for $6 a piece!
You're on your own for snacks, though. :)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wash Wednesday: Gain Laundry Detergent
I had a coupon (who is surprised by that) and decided to try the Gain (original scent) detergent that was on sale at Walgreens. I first used it with our towels and I noticed, unlike my usual detergent, I didn't need a WHOLE capful of was still a little sudsy after my rinse cycle. I rinsed it again and made a mental note NOT to use a whole capful.
After I took the towels out of the dryer, they smelled SO good. I felt silly, but just like the people in the commercials, I was sniffing my laundry.
But what really impressed me? My mother in law commented on it. I had washed a few of the boys clothes in it and a few days later she inquired, "What do you wash the boys clothes in? They smell SO good!!"
Yes. My stinky, sticky boys smelled so good my mother in law complimented me on it!!
I washed our sheets in it this weekened and again, caught myself sniffing the laundry. I also love the way it makes the laundry room smell while it's washing. And that's where the cat's litter box is located!!
So if you're looking for a good smelling laundry detergent (that DOES get stains out), try Gain. I'm impressed.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Tip Tuesday: Pajama Jeans...Continued
If you love Home Shopping Network (and nursing mothers, I KNOW you watch it at 3AM) they have a big sale on them. Check them out here! They have them on sale for $34.99 with free shipping. Cheaper than you can get at Bed Bath and Beyond WITH a coupon!!
AND you can earn 3 points per dollar through If you shop online and don't use mypoints, you're missing out. Leave a message in the comments and I'll send you a referral link!
Like I said, I wear them everywhere. Just the other day, I was shopping at Target and happened to be passing by the "As seen on TV" end cap and over heard someone say, "Look at this...pajama jeans. There's no WAY they look like jeans" and I smiled as I walked by...and they smiled back. I was wearing them...and they had no idea.
Honestly, buy a pair. You will LOVE them. To be honest, I just bought a second pair. And they accept paypal. So shhh...don't tell my husband!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Make Monday: Bubble Wrap Painted Pumpkin!
Today's craft is a bubble wrap painted pumpkin. As always, we had a lot of fun making this project and it decorates the house nicely for the season.
Orange, Yellow, and Red Finger Washable Finger Paints
Kitchen mixing bowl
White card stock paper
Pencil or marker
Bubble wrap used found in packaging
Black felt fabric
Green or brown construction paper
To prepare for the project, I first used a medium sized kitchen bowl to turn upside down to trace the circle. Using scissors, I cut out the white card stock circle. Meanwhile, I took a large piece of bubble wrap, added a mixture of orange, red, and yellow finger paints onto the side of the bubbles. I laid the white circle down onto the paint and then folded the bubble wrap in half. Judah then walked and hit the bubble wrap to move the paint around onto the paper. We then removed the paper and hung to dry. We made several circles at one time while the paint was out.
The next day once the orange circles were dry, we finished our project. Mommy cut out some mouth and eye shapes from the black felt and helped Judah glue them onto the circle. We then cut and glued on green stems for the top of the pumpkins. Our finished project hangs on the dining room wall as a nice display.
Lessons Learned
Judah really enjoyed playing with the bubble wrap and finger paints. We did spread out our project on the tile kitchen floor to minimize mess. Judah also found tracing the kitchen bowl an interesting technique as we talked about shapes in things. While cutting can be for older kids, Judah helped glue on the jack-o-lantern mouth and eyes.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Salvation Sunday: Being in Community.
I am no exception. I often find myself saying, "What will this do for me?" And if the community does not pan out, I move on with my life to one more fitting.
The need for acceptance. The feeling of happiness. The place to unload our burdens (and complaints). We strive to find stimulation and commonalities with the groups we hang with. And these groups of people provide us with love, want, and feeling needed, or so we think.
Have you ever thought about community in the context of faith? Acts 2: 42-47 offers insight into what community looked like in the early church. So different than the world today.
I am so blessed to have three other moms in my neighborhood that stay-at-home. We often get together during that long stint in the afternoon following nap time (especially on a rainy day). The kids can play while us moms can actually have an adult conversation. These afternoons stretch into dinner time as we start combining our efforts to feed our families. Someone provides the meat and another makes the side dishes for a complete, stress free meal. What joy is there in sitting down around the table with people you feel comfortable with who do not care if you cleaned the house or put on make up that day.
In my mind, that is the closest picture of reality to community building. Community for people of faith is rooted in giving. We give encouragement. We share our resources. We walk along each other during times of burden, lifting each other up. We keep each other accountable, admonishing and training one another to be Christ-like. We rejoice together.
Remember the famous quote, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." I think this applies to community building. How can I serve others? What can I share? What act of kindness can I perform?
Those other feelings - acceptance, love, being needed - those fall into place naturally as a result.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Shuffle Saturday: Those Random Kids.
At one point we were walking along on the path and this random kid comes up to hang out with my son. He was much older but started playing with him and talking to him. Later, the same thing happened as we were watching the pigs on the farmstead. A girl older than Judah came up to start hanging out with us. She was just carrying up a conversation and followed us from one exhibit to another while at the farm.
Both times, I remember thinking, "where are their parents." I am not opposed to being social or making new friends. As a matter of fact both Judah and I are people magnets as we love to be social.
This was different though. I almost felt like these kids were hanging out with us for the attention. No parents in sight. They were not really being bad but perhaps maybe a little annoying or daring. They wanted someone to talk too. Show off too. Hang with. Tell them no even.
I cannot count how many times this happened to me this summer while Judah and I went places. I recount one instance at the play ground this young girl hung out with us while we swung. Imagine my dismay when she asked me to push her on the swing.
Again, I have no problem with kids. And does not God call us to love and be kind to others.
Rather my problem lies in where are the parents. It makes me sad to think that parents do not care where their kids are, what they are doing, or what interests their child. The fact that a child goes up to a total stranger and starts telling their life story disturbs me to no end. Do parents really not have time or a care for their kids?
It kind of reminds me of the mom who drops their kids off at the mall for a couple of hours. Thoughts?
Friday, September 23, 2011
Food Friday: The BEST Crock Pot Cheesy Baked Potato Soup
8 large potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-2 inch cubes.
1 box of chicken broth
2 cans of Cheddar Cheese soup (I used Campbells)
1/2 of a stick of butter
1 package of pre-cooked bacon
Bacon Salt
Green Top Onions
1/2 of a white onion, chopped.
1/2 of a bag of shredded cheddar cheese
In a crock pot, add potatoes, butter, white onion, 4 strips of pre-cooked bacon chopped, chicken broth, canned soup, dash of salt and pepper to your liking. Set on low and cook 8 hours.
About half hour before serving, mash up potatoes with fork as well as you can. Cut green top onions and add to crock pot. Add cheese to crock and let melt into soup.
Heat up the remaining pre-cooked bacon and cut into strips. Serve soup, topped with sour cream, bacon strips and more cheddar cheese.
It is SOOOO good. Hearty, warm...perfect for cold days! And it's even better leftover!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Toy Thursday: Letting Go of the Car Seat
But it was bittersweet. Putting away the baby seat. The baby seat we got when I was pregnant with Liam (insert gasps here). Yes. We used the same baby carrier with all three boys. Even though I'm sure it "expired". And yet, they're all safe.
But what do I do with the car seat? I know if/when we do have another child, he/she will HAVE to have a new baby carrier. I could take it to Toys R Us and get 25% off of a future purchase. But...I can't. As much as I'm a saver, I just can't let go of the car seat that I brought all three of my boys home from the hospital in.
Liam hanging out in the seat

Sean being brought home in the seat and
Brendan at his first City Council the seat...
I'm thinking maybe I could start a quilt for each of the boys...or maybe a doll for each of them and include a part of the fabric from the seat cover.
What do you I being TOO sentimental?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wash Wednesday: Dirt Magnet #6 Laundry Baskets

Have you ever noticed that laundry baskets get dirty? That is right. All those leftover pieces of lint, hair, and particles seem to litter your basket even after using it for clean clothes.
I cringe when I think about the germs that reside from dirty laundry on the laundry basket. Perhaps that is why I try to use baskets for just dirty clothes. You have clothes from outdoors. You have damp clothes. You have clothes that have food growing on them (cause if you are like me, you do not get them cleaned right away). You have sheets from sick kids. And you are leftover with mold and germs growing all over the basket including the handles. Yuck.
I keep separate clothes baskets for clean clothes. Yet, these baskets still seem to find remains straggling in the bottom of the basket. Leftover washed lint, hair, and dirt find there way to the bottom. These baskets are magnets for dirt.
So that is why I recommend cleaning out your laundry containers periodically whether for dirty clothes, clean clothes, or any other contents hauled around the house. Most of the time I simply take a Clorox wipe to wipe down those nasty germs from the bottom of the basket, sides, and handles. Other times I spray disinfectant to remove smelly mold and random spots growing on the bottom.
Separating your clean laundry from dirty laundry will also help minimize the passing of these dirty particles. You will also not have to clean your baskets as often. Lastly, try to hang up damp, wet clothes and wash kitchen items with food on them as soon as possible.
Good luck with your laundry baskets.
To tackle more dirt magnets, read the following tips about the top of refrigerator, unwanted dust bunnies, the high chair, lamp shades, and the silverware container.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Quick Mommy Time Out: Buzz Lightyear Operation for $1
So how does one go about getting a Buzz Lightyear Operation game for $1?
Big Lots has Buzz Lightyear Operation advertised for $5. I printed off the ad and took it with me to Target, where they price matched it.
Then, Print off the $4 off any One Operation game to complete the purchase...and get Toy Story Operation (regular price $16.99) for $1.00.
Photo copyright
What a deal!!
Tip Tuesday: Be Frugal With Your Scents (cents)
How does your house smell? No, really. How does your house smell? With two in diapers, my house smells rather...interesting, depending on the day.
I've been getting some great deals at Bath and Body Works on candles but it's not safe to having a candle lit around a toddler who likes to climb. I can light a candle when he goes to bed (and make sure I blow it out before I go to bed) but I don't want to forget it.
So what's a mom to do?
The other day, I made an apple pie. Yes, from scratch. I reserved the peelings from the apples and the apple cores and when I washed my hands of the sugar/cinnamon, I washed it over the pot (small pot) that contained my peels.
I put the pot on the back burner and set it on low. And boy, did it smell good. Granted, I did have an apple pie baking in the oven, but even after an hour after the pie had cooled (and made sure to add a little more water) my house STILL smelled like there was an apple pie baking in the oven.
Not only was I pleased that I re-used the apple peels (yay frugal!) but it made the house smell like all of my boys were potty trained.
I have a feeling potty training is still a few years away for Baby B. But at least my house doesn't have to smell like diapers!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Quick Mommy Time Out: FREE Admission to Living History Farms
All you have to do is visit this site, enter your information and they will email you your ticket to print. The ticket is good for two people at the venue you select, and there are many in Iowa. The ticket is valid this Saturday only, 9/24/11.
Make Monday: Isty Bisty Spider for Halloween
We have a bad case of spiders at our house....I really mean home made spider decorations for Halloween and Fall.
Making these spiders provided fun Fall crafting entertainment. Judah enjoyed singing the Itsy Bisty Spider song while making them in addition to learning about how many legs a spider has. Mom had all the supplies on hand making the project easy. And the decorations are adorable displayed all over the house adding cheap seasonal flare.
empty and cleaned Styrofoam egg carton
2 pipe cleaners
craft eyes
paints (optional)
hole punch
First, we cut the egg carton into individual pieces with scissors. Next, Judah used finger paints to paint designs on the pieces. He later also took markers and colored on top of the paint once dried making a mouth. Mommy glued on the craft eyes with a little help. We then cut the 2 pipe cleaners into even 8 pieces for the legs, sticking them into the Styrofoam carton and bent to stand. For some spiders we hole punched a hole in the back, tying on string to hang.
For different variations, use different colors of pipe cleaners for the legs. You may make a similar design of spider by using a large craft pom pom as the body and small craft pom poms for the eyes. Glue them onto clothes pins to hang around the house. Also, try making a mobile by hanging several from a coat hanger. For added fun, try looping the string through a paper towel tube as the water spout, watching the spider go up and down.
Lessons Learned
This project is geared more for preschool aged as Judah probably had more fun sorting the pipe cleaners and coloring. Also, be careful of the sharp edges of the pipe cleaners and other tools. Washable markers work the best on the egg cartons. Once the paint dried, it flaked into little pieces during the remainder of the project.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Salvation Sunday: Clothed in Humility!
We only have to look to Jesus example of washing his disciples feet in John 13: 1-17, to glimpse the essence of true humility:
It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.
The evening meal was being served, and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus. Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?”
Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
“No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.”
Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”
“Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!”
Jesus answered, “A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.” For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.
When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
Growing up, I went to a church that believed and practiced foot washing as part of our communion service. The men and women separated to follow Jesus in the washing ceremony. Humbling as it may be to wash the woman next to me with their dirty, smelly feet, Jesus example means so much more.
In those days, it was often custom of the servant (the lowest servant) to wash your guests feet before a meal. Most travelers wore sandals leaving their feet dusty and smelly from journeys of walking to and fro.
Imagine Jesus, no questions asked, take off his outer robe. This white robe of a teacher represented His position and power. Yet, he set aside this earthly title of teacher by removing His robe to wash the filth from the disciples feet, something that only the lowest of servants did. This change in appearance of a servant in scant clothing showed His truest form of humility, setting aside all to serve.
Jesus was not selective in whom He washed. He washed Peter's feet, the one who would denounce Him publicly. He knowingly washed Judas's feet, His betrayer. He washed those disciples feet who just moments before were talking about the greatest in heaven. And He did each out of love and a willing heart.
Suppose for a moment that the towel He wrapped around Himself to use to wash the disciples feet was some form of His robe. This clean robe of white would become stained with muddy water. Then He put it back on, resuming His title but now with a stained and dirty robe.
Jesus set aside heavenly glory to come to earth as a servant. His mission was to wash our own deformed lives and filthy hearts. To do this He washed our sins humbly as a servant, clothed Himself with the stains of our filth, and died on the cross as a criminal in our places.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Shuffle Saturday: Fixing Family Ties-Not Holding Grudges
Some people are brought into our lives to test us, some are brought to heal, some to teach and some MAKE us learn...even if what they're saying isn't what we THINK we want to hear at the time.
It's just too convenient to meet the "right" person who tells you the "right" thing at the "right" time. And maybe, just maybe, this blog post will be the "right" timing for someone out there.
I hate it when I go to funerals and there's almost always that one person who is inconsolable. And then you find out that that one person said/did/whatever it was to the deceased and never had a chance to make amends.
My husband's grandmother had a brother that she fought with. No one could remember the reason for the argument but they never spoke. Years went by without correspondence. And then he died. She flew to Arizona to say goodbye and attend his funeral. My husband's grandma was THAT person. But then, on her flight home, she developed a blood clot in her leg, it moved to her brain. The day after getting off of the plane she woke up, went downstairs, sat in her rocking chair and died.
Now, I'm not saying if you don't mend fences today you're going to die...that's not the point at all. But wouldn't it be nice to be able to say all of the good things that people remember at funerals and wakes to the person while they're still alive.
Life is too short. People need to realize when they've made mistakes, suck it up, apologize and learn from it.
Maybe you're mad at me for writing this...but think. Is this what you really needed to hear right now?
Friday, September 16, 2011
Food Friday: Edible Necklace
Kids at this age develop skills in lacing and beading. Kids also at this age love to help prepare food, taking ownership in their accomplishments. So why not combine these fun activities to make an edible necklace.
Take some thin yarn, cutting it to the appropriate size (not tight or too long) of the child for a necklace. Lace some healthy snacks like cheerios or colorful alternatives like fruit loops by threading them on the string. Then tie the string around the child's neck for a snack on the go.
Kids will certainly love eating this activity.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Toy Thursday: 100 Sleeps Till Christmas
I'm a planner. Some may call me a gift hoarder. When I find a good deal, I buy it, enter it into my gift spreadsheet and put it in a closet. That being said, moving should be fun. It does make it easy for when a birthday comes up. I just pull up the spreadsheet, find something that's appropriate for the birthday boy or girl and wrap it.
I also did something "new" this year. When Target has the "buy X of Y, get a $5 giftcard" deals I snag them up...but I've been saving the giftcards for Black Friday spending. I've got them in an envelope (they don't expire) and this way, I can have a guilt free/bank account free shopping spree at Target the day after Thanksgiving. I'm almost to $200 in giftcards!!
Have you started shopping or saving for Christmas? Has the economy forced you to do anything different this year?
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Wash Wednesday: Reusable Grocery Bags
You use the bags, empty your groceries and put them away. When you go shopping, you grab them, take them to the car and use them again. But have you ever thought about washing them?
I didn't until I read about how many germs are on those bags, and if you think about it, it's true. They sit in the cart, they sit in the car, they get wet...yuck.
So at least once a month (if not more often), run the bags through a HOT wash (and dryer) to be sure to kill the ick.
With flu season coming up fast, the last thing you want is to get sick from your grocery bags.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tip Tuesday: Lead By Example
We always make sure the kids are along when we vote. On the way to the polling place, we talk about the candidates and who we plan to vote for. After the 2008 election, we've also added the discussion of the importance of the secret ballot, as Liam decided to ask everyone who entered the polling location, "Are you voting for John McCain? Cause you should."
This election, Liam had to get on his bus early for school, so, being the BIG brother of the house, Sean had the duty to hold the ballot for Mommy. And yes, he's wearing his "Speaker of the House" T-Shirt.
Lead by example. Instilling the importance of voting and our Government (and the system) is important to me and my husband.
What traditions that are important to you and your spouse that you share with your children? Share your comments below.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Make Monday: Make Your (Child's) Voice Heard
Tomorrow is school board election day here in West Des Moines. I plan to vote in my first (and I'm somewhat ashamed to say that)school board election tomorrow. I was excited too, thinking I had voted in every election I was eligible for. I DO work in politics, after all.
Then again, I had already graduated high school and have my four year's just NOW that I THOUGHT the school board elections effect me. But this past year, with barn-gate, my eyes have been opened. I didn't need to have a child in school to have the school board effect me.
Now, I do have a child in the school system. My oldest child started kindergarten this year. But again, with the help of barn-gate, I saw how tax dollars are spent (or misspent). If you pay sales tax, you're effected. If you pay property tax, you're effected.
The people you elect to the school board choose how YOUR money is spent (or, again, misspent).
And for my first school board election, I'm voting for Julia McGuire. Having getting to know her over the past 9 months has been great. And I see that she would be responsible with OUR money as I've seen how responsible she is with HER money.
I believe we need more transparency in Government. ALL Government. That starts with the school board.
Our children can't vote. But we can speak for them. If you have the nerve to expect honesty from those guiding your child's education, if you have the audacity for those who are spending your tax dollars to be held responsible for their decisions, then you need to vote for Julia McGuire tomorrow. She will be honest, she will hold herself responsible and she will be accountable for her votes and actions.
Because Julia doesn't just speak about Character Counts, she lives it.
So tomorrow, vote for Julia McGuire. And write in Sarah Bowman, if you feel so inclined.
Make Monday: Customized Coloring Pages!
Crayola has magically designed a way to turn your summer photos into fun coloring pages. Relive your summer memories by turning your summer photos into a free coloring printout. Try it for free with a code in specially marked boxes of crayons or other crayola products.
These pages are great for upcoming rainy fall days or for birthdays gifts for family members and friends. You can print pictures out and save them for an activity at church or at home alike. These completed colorful pictures would look great on grandma's fridge.
For other fun pictures, older kids can also create their own pictures, print them out from the web site and then color them. This exercise would be fun for a computer home project.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Salvation Sunday: 10 years after 9/11-How To Talk To Your Kids
But today, 10 years later, we must think of our children. I once read, "The most important rule is to take any question very seriously and just deal with that question," says child psychologist Richard Rende. "'Less is more' is a very good principle with kids. Let them direct you and don't make assumptions about what they want to know. You can answer a question without going into detail."
Specialists say that children under the age of 5 may not grasp the weight of what they may be seeing today. As a parent, you know the maturity level of your child and what they can/can't handle. Be sure to monitor how much 9/11 coverage they see today, as the graphic images can cause confusion and even nightmares for little ones.
Answer their questions. Be honest. But don't share more than what YOU think they can handle, depending on their age. It is important for our children to know WHY September 11 is such a momentous day for United States history but know what they can understand.
On this, the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 and Salvation Sunday, take the time to pray with your children for the victims, families and friends of those effected by the historic events.
Credit Getty Images
Revelation 21:4 "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. And death shall be no more. And neither mourning, nor crying out, nor grief shall be anymore. For the first things have passed away.”
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Shuffle Saturday: Iowa's Own Superbowl- Iowa vs Iowa State...Brothers battle it out.
I'm for the Cyclones...that's because I did attend Iowa State. It's my Alma Mater. Of course I'm cheering for the Cyclones!!
My favorite joke? "What do Iowa and Iowa State fans have in common? Neither went to Iowa."
I love my Cyclones. And my kids are Cyclone fans.
My Aunt who lives in Arizona sent me a Hawkeye outfit when my second son was born. She thought it was the right team, but it wasn't. Anyway, my little guy fit well into it and I thought it would make for a cute picture last year...big brother vs. little brother.
Big brother says, "Can't we all just get along?"
But the battle for CyHawk in the Bowman living room begins...
And, like usual, Iowa plays dirty.
And then Iowa attacks...
Iowa State tries to fight back...but after getting yelled at by mom to be nice to his little brother...
Iowa thinks he's won...and like most Iowa fans after the game...
He passes out.
So who are you rooting for? This year the Iowa outfit it too small for my boys so they're decked out in Cardinal and Gold. GO STATE!!!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Food Friday: Cornbread from Scratch!

September has been cooling down which means time to turn on the oven for some Fall baking. Pumpkins line the kitchen shelves. Chili or Split Pea Soup is in the crock pot for post a football game. Add some apple cider to drink and some home made apple crisp for dessert. Then all you need is some cornbread to complete your meal.
Cornbread would be an excellent addition to your Fall favorite recipes. Surprisingly making cornbread from scratch is so simple and easy. It can actually be a healthy, filling meal. So why not add some cornbread to your meal this weekend.
This is one of our home favorites!
Mix Together
2 cups cornmeal
2 cups flour
8 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup powdered milk (for optional added nutrients)
Make a well and add
4 beaten eggs
2 cups milk
1/2 cup oil
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Stir until smooth and pour into greased 9 by 13 inch pan for 25 minutes. Cornbread should come out fluffy, golden brown. Serve warm with butter and honey.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Toy Thursday: Don't "Toy" With Your Children
I read a post, long story short, a Florida couple are suing an obstetrician and two ultrasound clinics for not warning them that their son would be born with just one leg and no arms.
The defense is saying Ana Mejia signed forms that indicated she understood an ultrasound—she had seven during her pregnancy—is not a guarantee of a “normal” baby. Her son, Bryan, is now almost three years old. “He sees kids running and playing. He looks like he wants to do the same, but he just can’t,” she said during the trial, expected to wrap up this week. Had she known about her son’s disabilities, she proclaimed, “I would have had an abortion.”
And it made me angry. REALLY angry. I know what you're thinking. Oh boy, here is Sarah on her soapbox again. This is a topic I feel VERY strongly about.
This "mother" is "ordering the Palm Beach Gardens obstetrician and the companies she works for to pay $9 million toward his future care as well as award an unspecified amount for their own pain and suffering."
And yes, I used the word mother in quotes. Because in my opinion, she's not a mother. She had a child she sees as a burden to her and she wants to make money from it. Yes, she did have seven (really, who has seven) ultrasounds and one should have seen something...but being a mother of three kids and having ultrasounds, sometimes the baby is turned a certain way and can't see everything.
According to the article, Bryan is a happy toddler. So what is wrong here? How can this mother be going for NINE MILLION dollars for care as well as "an unspecified amount for their own pain and suffering". Really? This is YOUR CHILD. YOUR FLESH AND BLOOD. NOT a burden.
But what hurts me the most is this child. He doesn't really know that he's all that different. It's not like he had legs and both arms. He knows no different. He can overcome his disability, with the SUPPORT of a loving environment. And then there's his "mother" saying she would have aborted him. How's that going to make him feel when he's old enough to understand what that means? Just because I developed the way I did, my mom wouldn't want me to live?
Why does it make me SO ANGRY? Well, because when I was pregnant with Liam, a "friend" told me that I could "just have an abortion, move to Chicago and start over." I didn't even think of it. I'll be honest, when the little plus sign showed up on the stick, I was scared. David (my husband, then boyfriend) was at a weekend military training in Kansas. When he came home, the next morning, I took another test. Again, another positive. Somewhat worried about his reaction, I went into the bedroom with the positive result and instructions and showed it to him. He looked at me, smiled and said, "If it's a boy, we're naming him Conor."
Obviously he wasn't a Conor. He's a William. Or Liam. But he was ours. And was from the beginning. At my 18 week ultrasound, they were worried about his kidneys. They said they couldn't be sure, but they didn't think they were functioning correctly and scheduled me for another ultrasound at 28 and 38 weeks. They also assured me that if something was wrong, they had a new surgery they could do at birth to help him process...although he might have to be on dialysis. And I didn't even blink. He was my little boy. He was our little boy. A blessing from God.
At 38 weeks they could be sure he'd be fine and wouldn't need surgery, thanks be to God. But you know what, even if he had "issues", I never would have aborted him. He has been a blessing, from day one...before day one.
We are ALL wonderfully made. God has a plan for ALL OF US. Why this "mother" thinks her plan is to get rich off of her child, makes me sick. Which is why I feel she is not a mother at all.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Wash Wednesday: Attacking Carpet Odor
I am always afraid our guests think my house stinks. To combat this fear I use candles or air freshener. I clean out the litter box as often as I remember. And we try to wipe the couch immediately after a mess. I even have the windows open as much as the weather allows. And every so often we rent a steamer to clean the carpet. And I put down a clear office chair mat
Still, I really think my house stinks. We had talked about replacing the carpet in our living room and dining room. It certainly needed it the moment we moved in. Imagining new flooring is about as close to reality in this market that you are going to get.
That is why I started using baking soda down on the carpet. Glade also offers Tough Odor Solutions that also eliminates carpet odor. I sprinkle a little around the floor, letting it sit before vacuuming it up with the vacuum cleaner. The powder soaks in the odor as you vacuum the floor.
It is that simple and I get one more mile of freshness out of my clean living room. And the carpet lasts for one more day.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Quick Mommy Time Out : FREE Breastfeeding Swag!
3 Special Offers for Destination Maternity Customers
Free Nursing Covers at! Shipping is 9.95
Free Baby Carriers at! Shipping is 11.95
Free Breast Pads at! Shipping is 9.90
Use Promo Code "DESTINATION" at Both Websites TODAY!
1. Go to and/or
2. Click on "Shop Now" and select any baby carrier, nursing cover or breast pads you like.
3. Once you have made your selection, you'll automatically be directed to the shopping bag.
Enter the promo code "DESTINATION" and both companies have agreed to deduct 100% of
the cost of the carrier or nursing cover - all you pay are the shipping fees!
Remember: the promo code is" DESTINATION " and you can order all 3 offers - just open a new browser window each time you do.
Tip Tuesday: A Review of Pajama Jeans and Bed Bath and Beyond Coupons
Okay, now you know what I'm talking about. But can they really look like jeans? Can they really be as comfy as pajamas?
I found a 20% off at Bed Bath and Beyond coupon that expired in 2007. To put it into perspective, that was two babies ago. And yes, it still worked. So don't throw those old "expired" coupons away. They do still work.
Coupon in hand, I trekked to Bed Bath and Beyond and was going to "treat" myself to a pair of pajama jeans.
I found my size, took a deep breath and headed to the register. Here goes nothing.
As soon as we got home, I had to try them on. They fit. They were a little snug, but they had to look like jeans, right? I ran them through the washer and dryer and put them on again. They fit.
Are they as soft as my favorite pajamas? No. But they're softer than jeans.
Do they look like jeans? Yes. I feel comfortable wearing them shopping, taking Liam to the bus stop etc.
The front pockets leave a bit to be desired. If you're as addicted to your smartphone as I am, the pocket is a little small for it.
But, like pajama fabric, if you get something on them, the smell lingers. Accident while changing a diaper? It will smell until it is washed, even if you wipe it off right away.
Can I see myself wearing them to bed? No. But I did have a good nap in them yesterday.
So what do you think, fellow moms? Are pajama jeans a sign of "giving up" or just "giving in"?
I think when winter rolls around, these things are going to get a workout.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Happy Labor Day!
Sarah and Emma
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Salvation Sunday: God Created It All
I also love the quiet of the farm. The peace. The open space. This IS God's Country.
And I love St. Patrick's Church. We visited it again today (and I became the mayor on Foursquare).
It's really beautiful. And God created it all.
Please view the petition and sign it if you agree.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Shuffle Saturday: Shopping with Toddlers!
Toddlers have their own opinions. They seem to be very good at expressing their own independent ideas at just the right time. In this mornings case, it was what shoes he wanted to try on or did not want to try on. He also was good at telling us what other items he wanted to look at in the store...and touch....and hold. Then he though it would be fun to rearrange the mats on the store floor.
Toddlers also have a lot of energy that find its way out in strange ways. Again this morning it was taking his socks and shoes that he came with on and off. He then thought it would be fun to run away from mommy and daddy (against multiple warnings), hiding through the aisles. Daddy ended up chasing him (to his delight and our horror) clear across the store.
Finally we found a pair of shoes that we all agreed on and we headed to the check out. Even then we were tired, ready for a melt down anytime. But we made it home, putting aside all other errands we had to do this morning.
Do you have any shopping stories you would like to share or types on reigning in your toddler?
Friday, September 2, 2011
Quick Mommy Time Out! Save Money at Carter's! Only this weekend!
I just came across a great deal that I had to share.
Over at Carter's, all weekend long, EVERYTHING is 50% off!!
I love Carter's gear for my boys. It's cute AND it holds up!! So what are you doing reading this? CLICK HERE and save money!!
**UPDATE! A friend of mine just wrote on my Facebook wall, "Sarah! I don't know if you know this or not. But if you also use the code FIRSTDAYFUN during checkout and spend at least $40, you will receive 20% off your entire order ON TOP of the 50% clearance!"
I haven't tried it, but if it works, let me know!!
Food Friday: Sneaking In Veggies
Doctor laughed and said, "You like fruit, right?"
Liam agreed.
Doctor said, "Well, fruits and vegetables are cousins."
Liam's ears perked up..."I have cousins and I like them!"
Doctor said, "So you should like vegetables!"
That worked for about a week. And then I came across a coupon for Barilla pasta. It wasn't just "regular" pasta but it had a whole serving of vegetables in each serving. Not sure how they do it, but they include carrots and squash IN the pasta.
And it was test time. I made one of our favorite meals (Parmesan/Italian dressing chicken) with buttered noodles. And Liam LOVED them. He begged for more noodles. And the next day, he ate them as a leftover for lunch.
Test complete. Win. So if you've got a picky vegetable eater, try these...just don't let them see the box.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Toy Thursday: Car Racing!

What boy does not like to play with race cars? From the moment they come out of the womb, I swear boys know how to make motor car sounds. And by the time they are two they are racing, crashing, and zooming all over the place.
Match box cars are a must need favorite toy for every child. I still remember my cousins playing with their own pile of 4 wheel vehicles in the huge sand pile outside. The boys would make roads adding in sand cities all over the yard. Even though the sand pile is long gone, my grandma has these match box cars still today for any kids who come to play at her house.
Today's generation of boys have not really changed even though the toys may have. Boys today ultimate favorite past time is to play with cars, racing, crashing, and zooming just as their fathers once did.
I have to only think of my husband's first cousin who still races with his two young boys. In fact, it was he that found this really cool race track called, Blu Track. Seen in action once, this is definitely something to check out as the track itself is something from a kids dream world (and daddies).
This two laned track fits standard size match box cars, allowing them to race. Expandable, durable, and kid safe, the track takes minimal set-up time for maximum creative racing. Kids of all ages enjoy designing loops for all sorts of racing fun.
To add to the fun, my husband's cousin is setting up a race track for his son's birthday party. All those invited are supposed to bring their own car to race. Whichever car finishes each round is the winner. Now that sounds like zoomin fun!
Happy racing!
Quick Mommy Time Out!
When I purchased my tickets this morning, following the purchase I received an additional offer from Great Fun for a $20 rebate which I will receive by email.
Have fun saving money and seeing Thomas with your family!