Recently, I had to push over a chair to the kitchen refrigerator, climbing up to get a vase out of the cupboard above the fridge. I keep items like vases up there so that I do not have to reach for them very often. And apparently it had been awhile because as I barely reached the cupboard door to open it, I brushed my arm along the top of the dusty, filthy fridge.
Have you ever noticed the top of refrigerators at other people's house when visiting? Some people put knick-knacks on display and others store items like bread baskets on top of the fridge. Not that I look, right?
Me....I like mine bare for the sole reason that I cannot reach the top very well and I am afraid someone tall will be able to see the dust bunnies and cob webs on display instead of the objects on display. Also, Maestro the cat has been known to occasionally find this high place and I would not want him to knock anything down (but he can clean it while he is up there). The one exception was at my old downtown loft apartment where I kept a small microwave on the top of the slightly below average fridge to save room.
I admit though it is not until I really need to get in the cupboard above the fridge, that I even really take notice of the dirt that seems to collect up there. You have to wonder how dirt gets up so high. And of course, the electricity of the fridge acts like a magnet for dirt.
So when I do get up to reach in the cupboard above the fridge, I take the time to wipe down the top of the fridge. First, I collect the dust inside a dry rag (because I let it go to long) and then scrub it down with a soapy, wet rag. Cleaning the fridge is not rocket science just a matter or remembering to do it and taking the time to do it.
Usually this whole process spirals out of control. If I have time, I remove the pictures and junk on the fridge and wipe down the front, sides, and handles, making them free of dirt, food spills, and germs. Oh and that dreaded vent below seems to clog up with dust bunnies from the floor. But that is only if I have time, right?
I have noticed though that if I have company, wiping down the fridge seems to be a fast way to spruce up the kitchen. You will be amazed to realize how many people reach for the fridge, opening it. It is funny how this kitchen appliance can suddenly turn bright white or a shiny silver again.
I may be crazy for taking the time to write about the top of my fridge, but after all it is certainly a dirt magnet in my house. What better way than to bring humor to our dirty homes for as moms, who really has time to clean. For more unwanted dirt areas, check out Unwanted Dust Bunnies, the High Chair, Lamp Shades, and the Dirty Silverware Container.
Watch out for those dirt magnets! They might get you.
I just cleaned the top of ours recently, for much the same reason. It's one of those areas that just gets forgotten.