
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Shuffle Saturday: Routine!

Last week we spent the long holiday weekend with family away from home. We had fun visiting with family, celebrating two birthdays, and playing on the farm. With cousins around us all the time, every minute seemed like a party.

Coming home though is always an adventure after any vacation. No matter how long or short we have been gone, it seems to take us a good week to get back into routine. Our eating seems to be upside down and meals seem to be a little harder to get through. Our nap and bed times are all messed up from late nights and early mornings. Chores seem to pile up as you dump things as soon as you walk into the door. Often this makes for a grumpy kid and a tired mom.

Routine at our house is something I established for Judah as kids seem to thrive on routine. Even though some days I get tired of the mundane, I find it even helps mommy to get back into the regular part of life. You know what to expect. The kids know what comes next.

Routine at our house means we start our days the same by getting up, eating breakfast, and getting dressed. Meal times and nap times rarely vary. And bed time consists of the same old bath routine followed by reading books.

Growing up, I remember my mom talking about routine, especially as she maintained order for summer break. I hated the concept then but now I understand the importance of setting boundaries and maintaining consistency in rules. Everyone seems to function better and the household seems to run more smooth.

Now that summer is upon us, it is time to set a new routine and summer schedule. What is your routine?

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