
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tip Tuesday: Frozen Veggies!

The other day, us moms at play group were comparing notes on meals for our toddlers. We were quizzing each other on ideas, especially since our kids have turned into picky eaters. We discovered that our kids who once ate vegetables (and liked them) are now anti-healthy grazers. This makes meal time simply impossible with a picky eater, leaving mom desperate and tried.

Now I know you are not supposed to cater specific meals to your kids. However, I must admit that from time to time, I fix him a peanut butter sand which after he tries what we are eating. The mother instinct in me cries out against him "not eating," wondering how he can survive on the little he chooses to eat.

Some meals, I barely get him to eat something let alone something healthy. We have tried the "we will clap for you" when you take a bite (I don't want my kid to think eating is a sport though). And we have been saved by the "show Uncle ____ how you can try your food." Most often we rely on bribing: "you can have a bite of _____ after you try _____."

So when Judah asked for frozen vegetables one day as I was taking them out of the freezer to steam, I was ecstatic. He likes ice anyways and a vegetable is a vegetable, right?

He loved them! I just added a tiny bit of water to help defrost them. Then I served them in a bowl so that he could eat them with his fingers. He even thought the mixed vegetables stuck together were cool. And the cold vegetables made a nice summer snack on a hot day.

Score. If you are struggling like every other mom in getting your picky toddler to eat vegetables, just try serving them cold. I have to report that other moms in our play group tried this and it worked. Not sure what the winning factor is...texture, temperature, color....but it is certainly a hit. And a lot less stressful.

1 comment:

  1. Whoah...that IS a neat idea. I never thought of that- one of mine's a veg-hater, the other is in love with them, but I wish I had thought of this back when the oldest was younger. Now I have a picky eater forever! XP


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