
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Toy Thursday: I'm Pretty Sure They Mate

Yes. I'm pretty sure my son's toys mate at night. And I'm not comfortable with there being hanky panky in his bedroom. But you've seen the post about the love/hate relationship I have with McDonald's toys (and if not you should), but it seems like his toy pile is growing daily. And I know we're not buying more toys. And even Grandma has listened to the warning about buying toys. The threat "You buy it, it stays at your house" works.

But this is ridiculous. We NEED a toy box. Like a good, ol' fashioned, throw the toys in, close the lid and be done with the mess toy box. And when we move we WILL get a toy box. If that means I have to go to the woods, use a chain saw to cut down a tree and widdle it into box form, so be it.

You know when I bring power tools into the subject, I mean serious business.

Yes, they're spoiled. But I can't bring myself to throw them away (and yes, I've watched "Hoarders", smarty pants) but I know that Baby B is just about at the age when he can enjoy the baby toys, Sean is at the toddler toy age and Liam is getting into the elementary school toy age.

Mating Toys. Chainsaw. Box.

I think I found a chainsaw I could accessorize with.

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