Making this garden allowed imaginative play with Judah. Kids of preschool and elementary age will have fun with endless possibilities of creating flowers in various colors and textured paper. Add some pipe cleaners and grass for a complete flower garden sample. And watch the flowers bloom all spring long!
Supplies you will need:
foam paper plate
green pipe cleaners
green paper for grass
colored foam board
colored tissue paper
colored and patterned baking cups
Creating a flower garden:
1. Make flower petals by using a number of paper techniques. Cut out flower shapes onto foam paper. Flatten muffin tin baking cups into layers for simple flowers. Use a circle and square template to cut out tissue paper pieces.
2. Attach flowers petals to green pipe cleaners by using tape or bending the end of the pipe cleaner. Tape your foam flower to the pipe cleaner. Punch a hole into the middle of the baking cups to create another flower. Seal the cups in place by bending over the pipe cleaner in the center. Layer the circle tissue paper pieces and punch a hole in the middle to slide the pipe cleaner through and bend to seal. Cinch together layered square tissue paper pieces together in the middle of the paper with the pipe cleaner for a butterfly effect.
3. Push bottom of flower stem pipe cleaner into the foam paper plate. Add a variety of flowers to the plate spreading them around. Bend the pipe cleaner stems as desired to make the flowers stand upright.
4. Add green grass to finish the garden. Use filling for Easter baskets or shred your own green paper into pieces for grass. Pat the grass around the flower stems onto the foam paper plate.
Not only will this project be fun for the kids but would make a cute spring decoration for the house this Easter. Enjoy!
How cute is that! I may have to do that with my little girl.