
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tip Tuesday: The PROCESS of Decluttering!

Last weekend, I helped my mom go through the storage boxes in the basement to find some old toys for Judah. We scavenged, sorted, and organized boxes of stuff, stuff, and more stuff. We managed to rid of things emptying several buckets. Even Judah had fun helping wash the dirt off the toys, drying them, and playing with them.

This time of year, while still indoors, is a great time to declutter, organize, and simplify your house, one closet or cupboard at a time.

You know, sort through stuff for that spring garage sale you still have not had after three years. What else can you do while you are stuck inside when the snow falls, the winds howl, and boredom creeps all the while waiting for spring to blossom. So these last days of winter, take a day with the kids and start on one project like the bedroom closet to organize.

Here are some tips I have learned not only when I am cleaning my own house but also when I am helping my friends (when they beg me to help) declutter and simplify their lives as well.

Rule #1 Start, work, and complete ONLY one project at a time. This will make you feel like you have accomplished cleaning a closet or the kitchen cupboards. Having to stop in the middle of a big project not only leaves you discouraged and overwhelmed, the likelihood of finishing it is slim. For new organizers, start on a simple project like a closet. DO NOT start with the office.

Rule #2 Involve your kids. Kids see this as an adventure. You can explore, tell new stories, and play with new things. Kids can also help clean by dusting cobwebs and wiping down doors. They can sort things by colors, shapes, similarities, or sizes. Have fun with it!

Rule #3 Take everything out. Taking everything out will allow you to reorganize and put things away neatly and orderly. This also gives you the opportunity to see what is really in that closet or cupboard and clean it down.

Rule #4 Clean the storage space. This is the time to dust and vacuum in usually hard to get to places. Wipe down the outside of the door and the door handles. Fix anything that needs repaired or replaced.

Rule #5 You must sort items. It helps to start by putting items in like piles.

Rule #6 You must rid of items. Remove all broken, old, and unused items. If you have not used the item in a year and it is not a heirloom or sentimental item, then it MUST ifs, buts, maybes, needs, or perhaps....IT MUST GO! This is key to simplifying your life! I tell myself that if I am not using it, then someone who really, really needs it, can use it.

Throw away all old and broken items. Divide unused (gently used) items in bags LABELED family member, charity, or garage sale, etc. You can also learn how to sort toys by reading, All Those Toys! Load these bags into the trunk of the car and deliver immediately after the project is finished.

Rule #7 Now you need to reorganize the remaining items. Pack items according to similarities in plastic buckets or in sturdy boxes.

Rule #8 Pack away items. LABEL each item on the side and top of the package. Stack away so that you can see the labels. Do the same if you have shelves; put similar items grouped together and label. If things are not easily accessible, then you still have too much packed away.

Rule #9 Put back items. Put away your cleaning supplies. Wipe up the kids. And put all the rid of piles by the door or in the trunk of the car.

Rule #10 Celebrate your accomplishment. Pat yourself on the back for you have just completed a project.

My husband often jokes that my favorite hobby is sorting. I admit I love to organize. And like he points out, it makes me very giddy to have everything in its place. I am like my Grandma in that I go through things constantly and weed out those we do not need or want anymore. I have a bin ready by the door to drop stuff in at all times and then when it is full I pull out the trash bag and drop it off at Good Will. Then somehow I always have a pile of stuff that goes to my mom, a friend, or a charity.

Happy Organizing!

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