During woot off's they will offer the ever so rare BOC (Bag o' Crap). You pay $3-plus $5 for shipping for "three" items. If you're lucky enough to get one (usually it causes the servers to crash) it is worth it. We scored two last year and got some really great items. Some we used as a gag gift (like the "High School Musical" Alarm Clock that we gave to my husband's co-worker who was always late for work) and some we gave as gifts. We even got a Disney Princess set! Now, as you know, I have all boys so we donated the girlie toys to Toys for Tots at Christmas! We even got a air purifier! That itself is worth more than the $8 total.
In order to keep things organized, I have a "gift spreadsheet". (Yes, I know. Nerd.) I buy things after holidays (Christmas, Easter, Fourth of July) and out of season. I then keep a spreadsheet of what I have, who it is intended for and what holiday. If it is an item that could go to anyone, I still add it to the spreadsheet for those days when I'm informed, "Mommy! (Insert kid name here) invited me to his/her birthday party. It's today! I forgot to give you the invitation last week."
The spreadsheet has saved us (more than once) and it's nice to have a "gift stash". Buy when items are on sale, stay organized and save money!
Granted, you may not need a screaming monkey, but my boys love theirs. Santa even brought them each one in their stocking this year!
They are having a woot off right now! Get over there and see what you can snag. Kids Woot is also doing the woot off. What are you doing still reading this? Get over there and soon you'll be saying "WOOT!" with all of the money you'll save!

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