"And so you must be vigilant, because you do not know the day or the hour."
According to a Christian group at ebiblefellowship.com they claim to know that Judgement Day will be May 21, 2011 and the end of the world will be October 21, 2011.
Interesting. This may sound silly, but the old Mayan date of December 21, 2012 and Nostradamus' predictions always stuck with me. Ever since I was a kid and Robert Stack told me about it on "Unsolved Mysteries", I always kind of thought that it might be true.
And then I am reminded of Matthew 25:13 "And so you must be vigilant, because you do not know the day or the hour."
So if this Christian group is claiming they know, do they not follow the words of Christ?
I actually had to laugh at a documentary I saw once that had people buying crazy items, stacking up a lot of debt and enjoying their "last days" because they believed the world would end December 21, 2012. The payments on all of their items won't come due until January 1, 2013. I don't think that's a financial plan I would like to follow.
But this particular Christian group who claims, due to dates in the Bible that they can predict that the world will end this year, are putting all of their eggs in one basket (if you ask me).
First, they are not following the word of Christ Jesus who said "And so you must be vigilant, because you do not know the day or the hour." I'm also amused that they state that we "have time to save ourselves", that way, on May 22, they can say "we appeased the Lord and saved ourselves" even though the date had passed.
I don't take stock in groups who claim they know the date. I believe in the Bible. "And so you must be vigilant, because you do not know the day or the hour."
You won't find me hiding on May 21. Besides, it's a Saturday. I would think God would want to end the world on a Monday. Seems appropriate. "Someone's got a case of the Rapture," could be a new catch phrase.
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