A few weeks ago we visited some friends for the weekend. I noticed on the mantel was displayed some very large white canvases of artwork from their five year old boy. The bright colored paintings were neatly matted onto the canvas making a really neat display and keepsake.
With all the craft projects we do around our own house, I have been thinking about the different ways to display our artwork. This very topic came up at our play group this morning.
Currently, I have large banners from our more recent finger paintings taped up to our dining room mirror (the topic of discussion this morning). Eventually these paintings will be turned into wrapping paper for the holidays or upcoming birthdays as I have collected a whole stash of similar banners upstairs in the closet.
For the smaller 8 1/2 by 11 papers of which I have saved my favorites, I have dated them, put them into plastic sheet page protectors, and slipped them into his baby book (which happens to be a three ring binder). The others are piled into a stack awaiting hand written notes for thank yous and other letters to grandparents and relatives (who love this stuff).
Aside from those simple uses, displaying your child's artwork can be a relatively fun and easy way to decorate your house. And these keepsakes are always cherished. As you can only imagine at my house and since Judah is only two, we have years of artwork ahead.
The most likely place for artwork is putting it on the fridge but that also seems temporary. We also like to frame some pieces for daddy's desk at work. I however would like to branch out with some new creative ways for collecting these beautiful designs as I cannot bare to throw them away.
I have seen an old antique bead spring mounted on a wall with pictures and artwork hung via clothes pins. I also have a card older that acts very similar in that you slip your papers through the iron loops to be held up.
I have also used shadow frames featuring special mementos with 3-D characteristics. This pipe cleaner display of Noah's Ark was from a baby shower display. It was cute and special enough to keep. The frame offers a nice wall display in our nursery. Judah loves to look at it. And the craft stays nice and clean.
How do you display your kids' prized artwork?
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