
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Shuffle Saturday: Iowa Straw Poll Day! Tips From a Veteran!

It's straw poll day in Iowa. For those involved in politics in Iowa, this is our Superbowl, our Oscars, our's a big deal. And I'm excited. I had a hard time sleeping last night because I was so excited. Even more so than 4 years ago. And back then I had a VIP pass!

This year is my husband's first year, as he was in Iraq four years ago. Even though he's a native Iowan and we've been together for 8 years, he still had no idea how big of a deal the Straw Poll really is. I feel he's still going to be amazed.

So from a Straw Poll veteran, here's a few tips...if you haven't left already.

1. Go hungry. There's going to be plenty of food.

2. Wear comfortable shoes. If you're going to go tent cruising, you'll be doing a lot of walking. While the Vera Wang black heels are cute, they're not practical.

3. Greet the candidates. Don't be afraid of them. They're people just like you and me. And they want to meet you. Don't be nervous. Ask them the tough questions you have. They WANT to meet real people. That's why they're there.

4. Listen to the speakers. Take the time to listen to everyone, not just your particular candidate. You'll learn something.

And last but not least,

5. Don't feed the trolls. I was given this great piece of advice from Nansen via Britney at RightOnline this year and they are so right. There will be people protesting, yelling, trying to get you to react. DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS. They thrive off of attention.

And most of all, have fun. Enjoy the day. And please, don't feed the trolls.

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