
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wash Wednesday: MY WALL!!

Quite often, when I'm working on my daily political commentary masterpiece, I make the boys play in their room.

Some days they play nice...most of the time, someone is screaming every five minutes interrupting my train of thought.

And some is just WAY. TOO. QUIET.

Tuesday was one of those days.

I had to work and seeing as they kept unhooking the internet (our wireless is in our bedroom) they lost "Mommy and Daddy room" privileges. It's kind of a big deal, because Mommy and Daddy have a TV. And as much as Liam kicks and screams, I swear he will not get a TV in his bedroom until HE buys one. I think TV in the bedroom for kids is a major no-no. But that's for another blog post.

So they were banned to his room. Some punishment. That kid has more toys than I ever could imagine when I was a kid.

And they were playing nice.

And I was getting work done.

I was getting lots of work done.

I was getting

And then Baby B came out of Liam's room holding a blue marker. Lid off. *PANIC*

After grabbing the marker from Brendan, I ran into Liam's room. Both he and Sean were on the top bunk of his bunk bed.

And I saw THIS.


Note it's not only blue marker but also a red/pink crayon. And it's me. Thanks Liam.

Click on the images to see his "art" in a new window.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to the rescue. I'll let you know how it all turns out...and if it comes off.

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