Judah helped me pack a few weeks ago for our vacation, especially when I got the games out to pack. In particular he found the UNO Attack game which proved to be great fun. So naturally I showed him how the cards flew out when you pressed the button. Laughing and laughing, that finally wore off. Next, I showed him how to sort the cards by color.
This game lasted an hour as I took his plastic color boxes and placed a corresponding matching card on top. Then I asked him if he could sort the cards and match the colors. Meanwhile, I continued my packing of the other games, watching him actually sort out the cards by color.
Judah is coming to the age where matching is an important skill to master in child development. This precursor to mathematics teaches the importance of counting and sorting. Your child improves his/her memory and develops thinking skills. Also, Judah is enhancing his ability to define colors at the same time. And most needed, it entertained him so I could pack.
So if you are in need of a boredom buster during this heat wave, try mastering your matching skills with your child. Your resources are endless in possiblitlites as you can match colors, similar objects, numbers, and letters. You can turn the cards over and guess where the match may be (for older kids) or simply sort them by their similarities and differences. You can also discover which item does not belong.
What are your favorite "matching" games?
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