Liam is getting his wings. He's more than ready to fly. And believe it or not, he starts Kindergarten on Wednesday.
How can it be? How can this tiny little boy, who was just a baby not that long ago be going to school?
He is excited for school...on Wednesday. And then he asked if he has to go again on Thursday. I said "Yes". He said, "But I'm going to miss you all day," with a crack in his little voice.
I don't think he'll have a problem. He was in daycare 40 hours a week from the time he was 6 weeks until he was 4.5. But he's become used to having me home, being able to hang out with making his breakfast, lunch and dinner. And to be honest, it's going to take some getting used to, having a bit of quiet in the house when he's at school. I'll still have the younger two boys with me at home, but it will get a little more quiet.
I know I can say that now...but ask me again how I'm feeling on Wednesday as he's stepping on the bus.
And yes...I do plan on following the bus and taking pictures. And it's only a half day for the first three days. So ask me how I'm doing next Monday. My answer may be different.
I know I need to let my little bird fly. I know I taught him the polite, share, don't tease, don't get upset if you are teased. But I also know I won't be there to defend him.
I'm SO not ready for this. So I'm here, on Salvation Sunday, praying for strength.
I remember my first day of Kindergarten. I walked with my good friend, Jason Bruning, our moms following behind. Half-way there, Jason and I decided that our moms were going to be too embarrassing (as they were crying the whole way) and we asked them to turn around and go home...that he and I could go the rest of the way ourselves.
And that story made his mom smile ten years ago, when we were at Jason's wake. He was killed by a drunk driver. And I think, ten years after his death, twenty-six years after the walk to kindergarten I'm still thinking about it. And it still makes me smile.
So maybe there are worse things in life than being that embarrassing mom. And I'll probably be that mom.
But to me, he's still that little baby...and no matter how big he gets...he probably always will be.
And that's my co-author, Emma and her (then fiancee) husband Tim holding baby Liam when he was one day old in the hospital.
Such a bitter sweet moment. Exciting but I cannot believe it. Seems like yesterday that we were there visiting you guys in the hospital.