In April, Judah was easily entertained with paper instruments. Daddy would draw large trumpets, pianos, tubas, and drums onto banner paper and then they would pretend to play them while listening to some Big Band or Jazz music on the record player. I on the other hand would print off small ones with my Cricut machine. Either way, Judah would walk around strumming paper guitars with paper picks or tooting on a paper horn. I love his creativity but perhaps it was because we did it so often that I soon got real bored with it.
That is when I decided to get him an instrument as part of his Easter basket. I even found a trumpet. On Easter day, he proudly carried that instrument around (even though he could not get a sound out of it) without letting anyone take it. Everyone was watching us at church. But I stuck to my convictions that we praise God with music so why not carry a trumpet to church, right?
The trumpet as already gotten a lot of wear as his xylophone and cymbals before that. Perhaps that is why I decided to put aside my preference of a train birthday party for a music-themed party instead.
While shopping for some instruments, I have found I really like the companies, Hohner Kids and Bontempi, for several reasons. For one, the instruments actually look real (only are made for little hands) and this is important to someone who wants to get out daddy's acoustic guitar or play on Grandma's piano on a daily basis. Not only do they look real, but offer features like the adult contemporaries with real sound unlike some imitation from the local toy store. Another feature is that the instruments seem to hold up well as they are designed for kids exploring their musical talents, especially mine who already knows what a cello is. The instruments also contain simple instructions via color codes for educational purposes.
We already have several instruments to start an orchestra...cymbals, trumpet, drums, xylophone, shakers. However, I am sure we will be banging, strumming, and tooting a lot more in the future. This is so much better than listening to him whine about why the paper guitar is broken.
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