
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tip Tuesday: Teething Terror

How's that for alliteration? My English professors would be proud.

But teething is no joke. It can lead to a miserable baby, sleepless nights (for both the child and the parents) and unnecessary calls from your daycare provider to pick up your child. No, really.

When my kids were in daycare both in home and at a center, a temperature above 98.3, even though I informed them the baby was teething, would warrant a "come and pick him up--can't come back until he's fever free for 24 hours". Oye. What a PTO drain!

Don't get me wrong, when my kids are sick I have no problem picking them up, smothering them with cuddles and kisses and taking them to the Doctor. That's when they're sick. When they're teething and running a fever, that's a different story.

Kids run fevers while teething. Kids get runny diapers while teething (because of the increased snot and saliva, it all has to go somewhere). Kids are miserable while teething. I still remember the pain of my 12 year old molars. It was NOT fun. I can't imagine what a baby must be thinking--and I'm glad I don't remember teething. There is a reason God designed us the way he did. :)

So for the tip of the day; Don't fret. Teething (including fevers) is normal. Hyland teething tablets are great. No, they're wonderful. If you're weary about homeopathic medicine, you can always take a washcloth, run it under water and put it in the freezer for a few minutes. Let the babe chew on the cloth. I prefer this to the store bought teethers--I know that there isn't a harmful gel in my washcloth and water. There isn't a soon-to-be-recalled-causing-panic plastic, gel or tainted water in it. Washcloth and water is kind of like breastmilk. I know what's in it, it's free, it's easy.

I've survived two teethers and we're currently working on teeth with the third (he has seven teeth already)! While your mother may suggest whiskey on the gums ("it worked for you") parenting styles have changed. I prefer the teething tablets and washcloth method and steer clear of orajel or whiskey...I don't believe in exposing my child to alcohol(read the orajel ingredients--alcohol) before they're 21. But that's just me.

Good luck with teething. It's hard but "this too shall pass".


  1. This is so true! Hyland's tablets were recalled here. I don't know if that is true everywhere though. I have used the "Natural" Orajel before. Do you know if that is bad?

  2. FYI, there is no alcohol in Orajel. The tube in front of me lists: benzocaine, cellulose gum, flavor, gelatin, mineral oil, pectin, petrolatum, polyethylene glycol (which I suppose a non-science person might mistake for alcohol, but it isn't. It is a polymer used in a variety of products, including lotions and toothpastes), red 40, and sodium saccharin. That's it. And I suppose there a couple ingredients that the roots-and-twigs crowd might disapprove of in there, but alcohol isn't one of them.


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