Judah and I love story time at the library. Perhaps it is because we made so many new friends. Or perhaps it is all the activities we participate in....bubbles, songs, flannel boards, crafts, shakers, stories, and finger plays. All we know is that we look forward to story time each week.
Finger plays are such an important aspect of child development (I am learning). Finger plays are used both at story time and our music class to develop senses of rhythm. First, finger plays provide an avenue for rhythm, emphasizing syllables, a precursor to language skills and speech development. In addition, the interactive hand actions stimulate hand coordination, dexterity, and body movement.
There are so many finger plays out there. Among the most popular, we recite "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Hickory Dickory Dock." Many of the nursery rhymes have actions to go along, making them great finger plays.
There are also so many variations to learning and applying these little chants. The most common play is doing the corresponding hand actions. Think outside the box, teaching creativity. You could also rattle shakers to the beat. And you could teach high and low movements by doing similar body movements, going up high and low. You could bounce or clap to the rhythm (especially for little kids). And you could use pinwheels, parachutes, and balls to accentuate the rhythm.
Really there is no wrong way to have fun and learn. And you do not have to be at the library to do this. So let's give it a try with this little tickling chant called "My Hands."
On my head my hands I place
On my shoulders
On my hips
And at my side
Then behind them they will hide
I will hold them up high
Quickly make my fingers fly
Hold them out in front of me
Swiftly clap them, one, two, three!
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