
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Salvation Sunday: Happy Mother's Day!

A colleague of ours recently wrote a cute post on "You know you are a mom when...." I could fill in the blanks with a number of things and I am sure you could too, especially if you have young kids.

You know you're a mom when you....forget to snap your nursing bra and go out in public....wear vomit, poop, food, and snot all over your clothes instead of real (and nice) jewelry....find a pacifier hiding in your clothes pockets as you clean them out when doing laundry....when your kid plays in the toilet, writes on the wall in marker, and paints the floor with nail literally sit on the toilet longer than necessary so you can have a break...have interesting dinner conversations about poop with your hop scotch with the toys strewn all over the your kids' leftovers cold so that you can say you had lunch...

The list goes on. Yes, we moms go crazy at times. We get busy and forget things. We are even weird, do weird things (always with a purpose--and sometimes we don't know that purpose but we do it that way because OUR mom did it that way), and wear weird clothes (according to our kids).

But without this crazy mom, who multitasks and runs around, you would be lost. So today's post is a tribute to all MOMS, I mean....chef, janitor, chauffeur, manager of a laundry mat, scheduler, professional organizer, seamstress, photographer, distributor and supplier, decorator, teacher, daycare provider, milk producer and nurse.

Do not take your mom for granted. Let her know today how grateful you are for who she is and what she gives up for YOU.

"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you." (Exodus 20:12)

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