
Monday, October 24, 2011

Make Monday: Make a Moving Plan

We're moving. And I'm excited...and dreading it...all at the same time. I want to get into the house before the really cold weather sets in, but we're having to pay for all November rent at our current place.

Our new place has TWO more (and much needed) bedrooms AND an attached 2 car garage. AND I get an office. SO excited. But there's the moving.

My husband has already started complaining about moving. Thing is, he got out of the last two moves. Yes, he was deployed (we moved from our apartment to his sister's home so I'd have some help with the lil one and then from her house to our apartment before he came home) but still. He got out of two moves.

You know those little golden nuggets of knowledge your dad lays on you as a kid...but you really don't appreciate it until you're older? My dad has one of those. "Plan the work, then work the plan." He repeated it on the first of the aforementioned moves and it's been in my head ever since.

So I'm trying to make a plan. Yes, I know. I may be a bit of a control freak. And my husband may want to divorce me once this move is over. But I'm a planner. And I'm a girl. I want things MY way.

So I've started the sorting, donating, throwing and packing process. Do you have any helpful hints for moving??

Also, we're thinking of maybe getting a mover. Any local suggestions??


  1. 1) Plan the work.
    2) Work the plan.


  2. Label every box with contents inside as well as label which room it goes in. This way your help knows where to unload everything.

    Also get rid of all possible things you can now so that you do not have to move it.


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