A friend of mine on Facebook today posted, "Ever had a non-rushed time at your microwave...and as you place your food items in the microwave you look, and think, "WTF exploded all up inside there and HOW LONG has it been that way???" Yup...I had that experience today...I guess tomorrow's agenda will have scouring the inside of the microwave on it."
I know that feeling all too well. And you can use all of the elbow grease in the world, but sometimes the gunk just doesn't come off. Besides, you've got better things to do than to play "What is this and how do I get it off?"
Here's a little trick my mother showed me. Fill a glass measuring cup with water and microwave it to a boil. The hot water will steam the inside of the microwave and help loosen up the "gunk". This way you can use your energy on something important...like chasing down a diaper-less toddler!
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