
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Salvation Sunday: Trust in God Only!

Caucus season is upon us here in Iowa. The politicians are making the rounds to Iowa voters with their most recent stop being the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition Dinner and Presidential Forum last evening.

In between soundbites and cheers, it was Congressman Ron Paul who reminded us the story in 1 Samuel 8 about ancient Israel choosing a king as their leader. In the Bible story, the judge Samuel warns Israel about falling prey to worshiping a king rather than God. Faith and Freedom Coalition Founder and Chairman Ralph Reed also admonished last night's crowd about selecting the perfect candidate and putting him on a god-like pedestal.

We saw this in 2008 as Americans looked to Barak Obama as the American Messiah to solve all and do all for us. Personally, my only tolerance for the guy really is that God raised Him up for a reason therefore making God the person in control. Even more so, I am asked to pray for him as my leader. When we trust in our leader because they seem right rather than God, we will be disappointed.

How about selecting leaders whose values substantiate to those biblical, moral, ethical, and traditional, historical values. Let us not get caught up in saying "I will vote for this person just because they are in the lead, they are electable, they look the part...who cares if they are a liar."

On the other hand, when I worked for Iowans for Nussle in 2006, I heard a lot of conservative voters complain that Congressman Jim Nussle was not conservative enough because he was divorced. In this instance, the pedestal was so high that no one could fathom that God could change a person's heart.

Consider God's most usable people in the Bible - Moses killed an Egyptian, King David committed adultery and then killed another man's wife, and the Apostle Paul collaborated in destroying the church by plotting to kill believers.

So who are we to say who should be the leader. The bottom line is we need to trust God as our leader first and foremost. We need to choose right in our leaders. And finally we need to pray and respect those He raises up.

There will never be this perfect candidate. Only Jesus Christ was and is the Messiah. Look to Him as the leader of your life.

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