
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Shuffle Saturday: Do Something For Yourself

I'll admit it. I've always been interested in the paranormal. I'm not sure what it is, but it intrigues me.

Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary, which I think can go without saying, is a pretty big deal. We had hoped that we'd be able to go back to my parents house and be able to spend the night at a little Bed and Breakfast where we spent our second night as a married couple and our second anniversary (he was in Iraq on our first anniversary).

In order for us to spend the night at the bed and breakfast, we'd have to have my folks watch the boys. They have just returned from an extended vacation and returned to work this week, so naturally, they're tired. And that's understandable.

Actually, my brother had asked my folks about heading back with his boys this weekend and they turned him down. Since they said no to him, they couldn't say yes to me. Again, understood.

It's important to understand and respect my parents' wishes...if I want them to respect mine. Remember, respect is a two way street.

We had it planned, both ways, for me to go on this ghost hunt, whether we stayed at my parents house or not. Either way, I would ride up with the group from my home or they'd be able to pick me up at my parent's house (as it was on the way).

I am excited (and to be honest, a little nervous) to go on my first ghost hunt. I love the TV Show "Ghost Hunters" and many others.

But I'm doing something for myself. Yes, it will be hard to be that far away from my boys for that long (even if it is just overnight) but I'm excited.

Fingers crossed!

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