Now that Judah is getting older, his child-like faith comes out in many different cute ways. While at an outdoor Christian concert this summer, the band took a moment to talk. The music was still playing but in hushed tones as the lead singer gave his testimony. Judah took a moment to turn to me with his hands folded and head bowed to tell me we were praying. His sincere countenance about broke my heart.
Likewise lately, I have been trying to squeeze in a morning devotional before my day gets too complicated. I put my devotional book in his room as he likes to play in the morning before or after breakfast. I then have a few minutes before we finish dressing that I can read the day's devotional. I usually read it to myself but I have talked to Judah about reading the verse for today meaning a quick short paraphrase for him to repeat. And he does repeat it as he plays with his toys and then we move on for the day.
One night as Tim was putting him to bed, Judah grabbed the devotional off his bookshelf and gave it to dad to "read verses." I about cried when Tim told me cause you never know if what you do is impacting and if they actually get it.
I tell you these things not to brag or say I got it together. Heaven knows the mistakes I make, the bad examples I set, and the times I forget to do devotions. I just want to simply share with you what child-like faith looks like.
Jesus' profound statement, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these," in Matthew 19:14, rings true today. Kids soak up these words fast as I am finding out. These Bible lessons for our life do matter and the seeds we plant take root in ways of child-like faith.
The lesson for us is too come to God through our own inner child. Having child-like faith as it resembles that of a child allows us to experience the kingdom of God in its truest form.
Have you ever really watched the child-like faith of a child? Children become animated and sincere in their excitement. They describe in detail their hurts, burdens, emotions, and even confessions. Their child-like faith allows them to forgive easily, love easily, and trust easily. They do not worry about days into the future.
Come to Jesus today! Share your heart with him in sincerity like a child would. Tell Him all your burdens and frustrations. Repent and ask for forgiveness. Love and trust Him completely. Guarante the kingdom of God will be yours if you do.
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