Moms need a little break from time to time, so stop by and re-energize your mind with tips, thoughts, and a few laughs from other moms with young kids.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Make Monday: Happy Halloween!
The baby however, LOVED it. It was cold and thankfully, their costumes were big enough we could fit their winter coats on UNDER the costumes. Although we joked that the baby was a spring Robin, because he looked so fat.
Yes, he didn't want to hold still for a picture. And someone else was holding his bucket of candy.
But they got SO much candy. SOOOO much candy. I do need to have a talk with my kids about picking and choosing, though. Believe it or not, we went to houses that were giving out FULL SIZED candy bars (and I thought that was just a myth). And do you know what my kids chose out of the FULL SIZED bowl? Fruit by the Foot. Granted, they may have picked the "healthier" choice, but at the second house with FULL SIZE candy bars? They picked the Scooby Doo granola snacks. Really, guys? Really?
And now I understand why my parents followed, and then much of my candy was missing the next day...Trick or Treating ISN'T so much about the kids, but the parents.
I'm hoping that I can find a good food recipes for everyone to use up all of the candy...because we all hate to have candy go to waste!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Salvation Sunday: Trust in Him
Of course a kid isn't going to understand why her Grandma had to die and that they're would be a reason good enough for it.
But yes, everything happens for a reason. Like our oldest son. David and I didn't intend to have a child before marriage, but we did. As soon as we found out I was pregnant, there was no question about it, for either of us. We didn't know where this journey was going to take us, but we knew we had a baby on the way.
And as often as our oldest makes me want to pull my hair out (he's WAY too logical and smart for five) I can't imagine my life without him.
It's because of moments like this. He came out of his room with his magna doodle and said, "See what I wrote, Mommy?"
God has a plan. God knows. Everything happens for a reason. We just need to trust in Him.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Shuffle Saturday: Waking up on the Weekends.
This statement rings so true though. Most kids have this six sense that you need and can FINALLY sleep yet they still choose to wake up earlier than any other day of the week. Mine does this like clockwork every weekend. Not just crawl in bed to cuddle you awake but really, hyper, let's play mommy and daddy awake.
Then every other day of the week that you need to get up and get out of the house at a timely manner, you guessed it, they are still sleeping. Some of these mornings, I can even open the door, turn the light on, and move around in the room before Judah wakes up.
So how do you adjust to the fact that Saturday morning kids are early risers? Perhaps this is why our own parents allowed us to watch hours of Saturday morning cartoons when we were little.
Maybe date night should not be on Friday nights. The baby sitters are really putting the kids to bed too early for some free time while you stay out late on the town. Just a guess. But then what date night.
Perhaps Friday nights are so low key and after a long week you all are lazy. This means that the kid does not let all that excess energy and saves it for Saturday morning.
Well whatever the reason, we are stuck getting up early on Saturday mornings. My husband says save the babysitter for Saturday morning when you want to sleep. Any thoughts? What do you do?
Friday, October 28, 2011
Food Friday: Getting through the cupboards
And then I swing open my lazy Susan cupboard and sigh. All, those, cans. Cans are easy to move, yes, but I've begun the "eat our way through it so we don't have to move it" process. I'm also creating a "food pantry box". Really? Like I ever thought I'd eat gritz?
Any helpful suggestions on how to dress up Chef Boyardee would be appreciated. I can't believe I thought that was tasty when I was a kid!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Toy Thursday: Christmas Toy Catalogs!

We have not even had Halloween yet I find myself being bombarded with Christmas. You? Every department store has had their Christmas trees up and decorated next too all their Christmas wares and merchandise for over a month now.
My husband even took our son Judah to Menard's one night to look at tools. Instead, they ended up going through the Winter Wonderland complete with a tunnel of lights, big snowman inflatables, and lots of decorated Christmas trees of every shape and color. Now my son talks about seeing Christmas trees when we come to every nearby Evergreen tree. Even the decoratated trees outside our neighbors house with orange lights are Christmas trees.
We limit our television time to watching mostly videos, thus avoiding commercials on regular programming. However, I can only imagine the toy commercials have increased on the air. And soon we will be listening to Christmas music as well.
Now I typically enjoy the Holiday season especially as Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday (perhaps because it is like Christmas only not commercialized). Yet, I always enjoy the activities of Fall so much as this is my favorite season of the year. This year I feel cut off from wearing my orange and making my pumpkins as the rest of the world seems ready to move onto Christmas.
In spite our efforts to avoid commercials, the advertising world has taken a hold of our mailbox filtrating it with Christmas catalogs and coupons of all kinds - pajamas, clothes, tools, plants, and yes TOYS!
This is really the first year I have seen Judah sit down with the toy catalogs turning the pages and looking at all the bright colored pictures. And I have heard him say, "Neat" and "I want to play with this" as if the item will magically jump out so that he can touch it and play with it. I guess you can say the advertising world is clever when it comes to marketing toys.
The toys though on the market this year are actually not that cool. To me they scream mess, noise, and boring. In the back of my mind, I have already picked out some educational, fun, and neat toys for Judah. And I plan to go and look for these regardless if they are in the catalog or not. So good try toy stores.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wash Wednesday: To Wash...Or Not To Wash
But after stripping the beds, should I wash the sheets here, or at the new place. Honestly nothing feels better after a long day of hauling boxes is a nice set of clean sheets...but do I pack them up and clean them there? Or run a load here, and take the clean sheets over?
I do know to clean/dust everything BEFORE I pack it, as I don't want to be hauling and unpacking dust at the new house...and this may sound "silly" or really frugal, but I think I'll be washing my sheets at the current house, and hauling clean sheets over.
First of all, water here is free. We'll have to pay for water at the new house. Secondly, I'm not going to tease myself. It's going to take more than one trailer load to get all of our stuff. So I can run the washer, run a load to the new place, come back and put it in the dryer, go to the new place, come back for yet another load and bring the clean sheets to the new house.
What do you I over thinking all of this??
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tip Tuesday: In honor of Baby Calder....Cherish your Loved Ones!
At around 5:00pm, my husband received a text from his co-worker Becky that her and Zac were on their way back to Iowa City. Cutting their trip at home short, they got word that Baby Calder was suffering from internal bleeding on the brain. Thankfully, Zac and Becky made it back to the University of Northern Iowa Hospitals to spend the last remaining minutes with Baby Calder before he passed by 9:00pm.
Thank you to all our moms for their outpouring, loving response. On behalf of family and friends, your support has been very much appreciated. Your prayers have been felt and your financial contributions a big blessing.
We ask for your continued support in prayer for the family. Soon the adrenalin of experiencing a birth, life, and death will hit them full in their pain of grief. Wrap Zac and Becky in your prayers as they struggle to cope and recover from this brief but traumatic experience emotionally and physcially. For more information on Baby Calder's story, visit Pray for Baby Calder! Should you feel compelled to help further, you may also visit Care for Calder.
In honor of Baby Calder's memory, I ask you to take a few minutes to show your own family members how much you cherish them. Once again we are reminded how fragile life can be. Spend some quality time with your loved ones today giving them a hug and tell them that you love them.
If you yourself are struggling with a the loss of a child, I implore you to read the book, Heaven is for Real. In my own time spent reading this book this past summer, I have thought it helpful with all the emotions and questions surrounding a situation such as this.
Thanks again to our readers for your support.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Make Monday: Make a Moving Plan
Our new place has TWO more (and much needed) bedrooms AND an attached 2 car garage. AND I get an office. SO excited. But there's the moving.
My husband has already started complaining about moving. Thing is, he got out of the last two moves. Yes, he was deployed (we moved from our apartment to his sister's home so I'd have some help with the lil one and then from her house to our apartment before he came home) but still. He got out of two moves.
You know those little golden nuggets of knowledge your dad lays on you as a kid...but you really don't appreciate it until you're older? My dad has one of those. "Plan the work, then work the plan." He repeated it on the first of the aforementioned moves and it's been in my head ever since.
So I'm trying to make a plan. Yes, I know. I may be a bit of a control freak. And my husband may want to divorce me once this move is over. But I'm a planner. And I'm a girl. I want things MY way.
So I've started the sorting, donating, throwing and packing process. Do you have any helpful hints for moving??
Also, we're thinking of maybe getting a mover. Any local suggestions??
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Salvation Sunday: Trust in God Only!
In between soundbites and cheers, it was Congressman Ron Paul who reminded us the story in 1 Samuel 8 about ancient Israel choosing a king as their leader. In the Bible story, the judge Samuel warns Israel about falling prey to worshiping a king rather than God. Faith and Freedom Coalition Founder and Chairman Ralph Reed also admonished last night's crowd about selecting the perfect candidate and putting him on a god-like pedestal.
We saw this in 2008 as Americans looked to Barak Obama as the American Messiah to solve all and do all for us. Personally, my only tolerance for the guy really is that God raised Him up for a reason therefore making God the person in control. Even more so, I am asked to pray for him as my leader. When we trust in our leader because they seem right rather than God, we will be disappointed.
How about selecting leaders whose values substantiate to those biblical, moral, ethical, and traditional, historical values. Let us not get caught up in saying "I will vote for this person just because they are in the lead, they are electable, they look the part...who cares if they are a liar."
On the other hand, when I worked for Iowans for Nussle in 2006, I heard a lot of conservative voters complain that Congressman Jim Nussle was not conservative enough because he was divorced. In this instance, the pedestal was so high that no one could fathom that God could change a person's heart.
Consider God's most usable people in the Bible - Moses killed an Egyptian, King David committed adultery and then killed another man's wife, and the Apostle Paul collaborated in destroying the church by plotting to kill believers.
So who are we to say who should be the leader. The bottom line is we need to trust God as our leader first and foremost. We need to choose right in our leaders. And finally we need to pray and respect those He raises up.
There will never be this perfect candidate. Only Jesus Christ was and is the Messiah. Look to Him as the leader of your life.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Shuffle Saturday: Homecoming!!
We got up, got the boys to Grandma and Grandpa's house and got up to Ames. It just happened to be the same day that Herman Cain would be stopping my the game...and who am I to turn down a photo op with a Presidential candidate??
So yes, Herman Cain, Iowa State Football and I can't forget the BBQ Pork Nachos.

It was a good day. But now I'm tired and I really hope the kids choose to sleep in tomorrow. I know they'll be up before 6...but a girl can dream, right?
Friday, October 21, 2011
Food Friday: Homemade Apple Sauce!
My family makes a trip to the apple orchards in Wisconsin every year. Our day traditionally is full of Fall activities surrounding our trip to the orchards. The leaves are often turning bright shades of red, orange, and yellow. Farmers are harvesting the golden corn out of the fields. And the Mississippi seems as blue as ever. Our day is usually complete after we taste tested and picked out some bushels of apples, finished the corn maze, and stocked up on some Wisconsin cheese. YUM!
Once at home, our leftover apples from pies and eating goes to making homemade apple sauce. We then stock the freezer full of the remaining apples into sauce for winter.
My first secret to cooking apple sauce is my choice in apples. Semi-tart, soft apples make the best sauce for cooking. For pies, I recommend Cortland Apples. These cook down to where they melt in your mouth. Cortland apples are also great for apple sauce. However, I typically use up whatever needs to be cooked before they go bad.
I peel and core the apples sometimes by hand and other times when the apple is still firm with an apple peeler. The kids love to watch the apple peeler. Many hands make this process light work.
I throw the pieces of apple into the pan to cook on low adding a little water. Next, I add my secret ingredient, a touch of cardamon, with plenty of cinnamon. I never need to add any sugar to my sauce. The apples continue to cook on on low until they have cooked down all the way.
Homemade apple sauce is made to serve hot. Store the rest into containers and stick in the freezer for a hearty winter meal. And enjoy.
Take advantage of cooking homemade apple sauce. Most family members are helpful for seasonal baking. Also, the smell of cooking apples and cinnamon make the house smell great for the Fall season.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Toy Thursday: When a Toy Becomes a Weapon
I'm not trying to encourage violent play, but again, they're boys. Someone is always getting hit on the head, the back...something...with something. Balls? Flying projectiles (even if they were "just playing angry birds"--somehow I think little brother DIDN'T want to be a pig).
I recall as a child, normal toys (and even household items) became weapons. Barbie's Convertible could be a missile down the stairs at my little brother. And he learned early that micro machines could be instant roller skates, strategically placed of course.
And you can't tell me that an empty wrapping paper tube was never a loud microphone you would use to wake someone up...and then as a sword, that is until you hit someone with it and it collapsed.
I tell my boys to play nice...and they do, for the most part. But sometimes they get a little carried away.
My brother and I would spend countless hours coloring the outside of a cardboard box to look like a car, only to push each other down the stairs in it.
I try to avoid violent toys like swords and guns...but as long as they have imagination, there will be "tough boy toys". And I won't take away their imagination...just ask that they "play nice". But they're boys.
However, once someone cries (or hits mommy), the game is done.
What do you do when a toy becomes a weapon?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wash Wednesday: Miscellaneous Containers in your Ktichen Cupboard.
For someone as organized like me, this cupboard is my nemesis in life. I cannot stand the mess the cupboard easily creates even after you clean it out. And if you keep it clean, I guarantee that other family members just throw the containers and lids into the cupboard when unloading the dishwasher. Then when you open the cupboard to retrieve a container and matching lid, you cringe from the disaster as well as disgusted and easily annoyed at the time spent in finding what you want. Knowing this is the only cupboard that is untidy drives you crazy as all the plates are stacked neatly away and the wine glasses are hanging in an orderly fashion. Even the pantry has a rack for the back of the door full of canned goods.
My mom's kitchen had this cupboard growing up. She even attempted to keep it organized like I am trying to do now. To no avail. Most often, I give up knowing that I would literally have to unload the dishwasher every time if I want it looking perfect. But then I reach that point where I just cannot stand it anymore or cannot find what I am looking for.
So Judah and I attempted once again to tackle the cupboard this morning. I even had him pull all the containers and lids out for me so I would not have to bend over to mess with it. We matched the lids to the containers. Then we threw out extra or old containers.
Now I face the problem of putting them back away. For the bigger lids I place in racks nailed on the cupboard doors. But what about the smaller containers and lids that seem to multiply?
In the past I have left the correct lid on each container and stacked them neatly. This does not last, however, as family members fail to follow protocol. I have used bigger containers to store smaller lids and containers. Again though, this does not last as items are just thrown into the cupboard.
Currently, my containers are sitting on top of the counter waiting for my decision. I wanted to get your thoughts though on tackling this problem. Moms, how have you solved this problem?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Tip Tuesday: The Gunk in the Microwave
I know that feeling all too well. And you can use all of the elbow grease in the world, but sometimes the gunk just doesn't come off. Besides, you've got better things to do than to play "What is this and how do I get it off?"
Here's a little trick my mother showed me. Fill a glass measuring cup with water and microwave it to a boil. The hot water will steam the inside of the microwave and help loosen up the "gunk". This way you can use your energy on something chasing down a diaper-less toddler!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Make Monday: Leaf Rubbings!
Remember doing leaf rubbings when you were a child. This classic craft project is so common. None the less, I almost forgot to do it with Judah this year.
One afternoon, Judah and I took a nature walk around the block looking for different shapes and colors of leaves. Judah enjoyed this science lesson as we talked about the fall leaves blowing to the ground. We also observed other things along the way as part of our unusual exploring on our walks. I let Judah collect which leaves he wanted.
Once we got home, we got out our card stock paper and crayons. Judah's old thick crayons that had the paper off were the perfect choice. We put the paper on top of the leaves and I showed him how to rub the crayon sideways over the leaf. Judah thought the magical appearance of the leaves were neat. He then enjoyed matching the shape of the color imitation to that of the real leaf.
We used different kids of tree leaves with different colors. However, there is no limitation to the endless possibilities to decorating your leaves. We tried different colors over the same leaf. You can also get the glitter out if you are brave or try rolling paint across the leaf.
The rubbings proved to be easy enough for my two year old. Plus the nature walk and science lesson regarding the leaves was invaluable exploration and discovery for little hands and eyes.
And while you are at it, put aside some of the prettier leaves laying them flat in a magazine for next week's project.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Pray for Baby Calder!
Shortly after being born doctors and nurses realized that baby Calder was fighting for his life. Calder suffered a heart attack during the process of labor and was immediately rushed to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Specialists later found out that he was having trouble as most of his organs were failing. After many tests and lots of treatment it was decided that it was best to airlift Baby Calder to University of Iowa Hospitals in Iowa City for the best care possible.
Calder remains in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit as a very sick little boy hooked up to many machines. Thankfully, new tests reveal all his other organs and brain function have bounced back making Baby Calder a candidate for heart transplant.
In the meantime while the family waits for more tests, options, and a heart, both parents Zac and Becky have been staying with Baby Calder around the clock far from home. Becky herself recovers from a complicated Cesarean encountered in the delivery. The family has incurred a lot of expenses during their stay in Iowa City with medical expenses continuing to pile up.
I share this with you moms in hopes we can network together in support of another mom. Remember Baby Calder and his family in your own prayers. And please consider showing your support in one of the following ways below. Now is our time to make a difference for one of our own readers.
For more information on the story or to make a monetary donation, visit:
Online: (visit password - calderseabrooke)
Become a Fan: Caring for Calder
Participate in a Fundraiser:
Fundraiser for Baby Calder
WHERE: Buffalo Wild Wings, 4345 Merle Hay Rd, Des Moines, IA 50310-1411
WHEN: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 11:00am - October 20 at 1:00am
WHAT: Please come and eat and say your with Baby Calder. Ten percent of your food sales will go towards the fundraiser.
Scentsy for Baby Calder
WHERE: Visit
Go to "My Open Parties"
Find "Baby Calder Fundraiser"
Click "Buy From Party" Next to Baby Calder Fundraiser
Then . . . SHOP!
WHEN: Saturday, October 15 at 10:00am - October 25 at 11:30pm
WHAT: Kari Tumea, a Scentsy Consultant, is donating 100% of her profits to benefit Baby Calder Seabrooke! All Hostess Gifts will be raffled and those funds will also be donated to Baby Calder!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Shuffle Saturday: Enjoy The Season
We went to the Pumpkin Patch this year, a different one than we've been to in previous years, and we had a great time.
And, of course, we HAD to shoot the corn cannon.
So get out and enjoy the fresh air. It will be winter before we know it!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Food Friday: Bagged Salad Recall
Routine random tests turned up possible listeria contamination in products with a “Best By” date of October 14.
WEST DES MOINES, IA – River Ranch Fresh Foods, LLC of Salinas, CA, which produces bagged salads for Hy-Vee and other supermarket chains, has issued a voluntary recall of 2,154 cases of various bagged salads due to possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes.
Routine random tests conducted by the Ohio Department of Agriculture indicated the presence of the listeria organism in a bagged salad product produced by River Ranch for the Giant Eagle chain, based in Pittsburgh, PA. As a result, River Ranch has issued the recall for Giant Eagle’s Farmers Market brand salads and the Hy-Vee salads produced at its facility on September 27, 2011. These products carry a “Best By” date of October 14, 2011.
To date, there have been no reported cases of customer illness due to consumption of these items.
Four varieties of Hy-Vee bagged salads, each carrying a “Best By” date of 14OCT2011, are covered by the recall. All potentially affected products have been removed from Hy-Vee stores, and a register sale block has been implemented to ensure none of this product is inadvertently sold to consumers. Customers are encouraged to check their refrigerators for the following Hy-Vee bagged salad products and return any unused product to the store for a refund:
Item UPC Number Code Date/Julian Date
Hy-Vee 8 oz Shredded Iceberg 75450-12053 BEST BY 14OCT2011 A106A and A106B
Hy-Vee 12 oz. American Blend 75450-12047 BEST BY 140CT2011 A106A and A106B
Hy-Vee 12 oz. Garden Supreme 75450-12046 BEST BY 140CT2011 A106A and A106B
Hy-Vee 12 oz. Romaine Garden 75450-12508 BEST BY 140CT2011 A106A and A106B
No other products or code dates are affected by the recall.
The Listeria monocytogenes organism can cause listeriosis, a condition characterized by high fever, severe headache, stiffness, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. These symptoms generally are mild and of short duration in healthy individuals, but the organism can produce serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people and other adults with weakened immune systems. Listeriosis also can cause miscarriages and stillbirths among pregnant women.
Consumers who are concerned about illness as a result of consuming this product should contact a health care provider.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Toy Thursday: Toys at Meal Time.
I am constantly finding toys littering the car floor below his car seat. Somehow these toys make the trip inside the car but it takes them longer to make it back into the house. And yet, every car trip to the store, a friend's house, or another errand, we have to have a toy for each hand. Sometimes this does come in handy at a doctors office as we already have a toy along to occupy our time. However, other times the toy finds their way into playgroup or story time in which we put it away or have to share with our friends.
Then Judah likes to take toys to bed. I really try to limit to one or two toys as most of his choices include his cars and tractors. I often find myself explaining he might roll over onto one of the toys and hurt himself. This does not matter; he still wants at least one toy. And you have to be careful as allowing one toy might mean he tries to get another and another.
Finally the dreaded toys at the table. If I want to get his attention from playing to come and eat at the table, then usually I succumb to agreeing that he can bring one or two toys with him. This works for a time when I tell them they have to sit and watch from a distance until he eats all his food. However, the moment I turn my back, he grabs the toys to put closer to his plate/bowl. When I turn my back again, the toys (usually tractors) are busy loading and pushing food on the plate. So every day I have this stack of toys next to the sink that need cleaned. Only then is he willing to give them up to have them washed from the sticky milk or peanut butter.
A while back, my co-author Sarah talked about her five year old son's need to take a toy in his pocket places. She encourages him not to take a toy along and if you lose it, it is your loss. Even at five years old, he still has to have a toy to keep his fingers busy.
Do your kids drag toys along and what are your rules? I think it is time to set some boundaries and soon.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Wash Wednesday: New Downy Unstopables--A Review
I was somewhat bummed, when I did get the sample, that there wasn't a coupon included in it. I mean, if I really liked it, a coupon would seal the deal. Then again, I still have I coupon I clipped a few weeks ago.
My sample was the green fresh scent. See image below.
So it was time to try it. They smelled pretty good so I put it in with the sheets. I could smell it when it was the dryer and when making the beds. And when I crawled in to bed, totally exhausted, it helped me fall asleep right away.
Yes, I will be buying these today during my errands. It smelled sooo good. But I might just save it for sheets/towels. And when I wash items to store away for the season.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Tip Tuesday: Harvesting Herbs for the Freezer!
Why not use the last few Indian summer days of Fall before frost hits to harvest your herbs. Harvesting your herbs and freezing them for the winter will save you some money at the grocery store later as well as make some tasty, winter meals for your family. Surprisingly, it is easy and well worth the hassle.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Make Monday: Make a Little Cash And Get Rid of Old Stuff
The Doctor told me I "only" bruised my ribs so I'll only be in pain for 5 weeks, as opposed to 10. Hey, thanks.
But still, I had this ring that I treasured that was split. I contacted Christopher's jewelery in Des Moines to see if they had a jeweler in house as I didn't want to risk the ring getting lost in the mail etc. They said they did and to bring it in to see if they could fix it.
We dropped it off on Wednesday and, to my surprise, it was finished on Saturday! I was quoted a week...I was so pleased...and nervous to see how it came out.
While we had been there dropping the ring off, I noticed some people selling their jewelery. I thought, "You know, I've been married to Dave for 5 years now. Maybe it's time I take in some jewelery from old boyfriends. I never wear it, why would I want it?
So on Saturday we went in to pick up my ring and I got a few quotes on my items. With my ring on my finger and $60 in my pocket, we were out the door. I mean, really, why would I be hanging on to my promise ring from high school? It only held bad memories...why would I want that in my life?
So if you're looking to sell, buy or repair any jewelery, I'd suggest Christopher's (on Merle Hay Road). They were polite, fast and great to deal with!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Salvation Sunday: Listening!
Even more so, how frustrating is it to have someone ignore what you have been saying. Perhaps you do know what is best in a specific situation and yet he/she refuses to consider your thoughts and recommendations instead proceeding down their path and refusing to alternate or slow down.
Webster's Dictionary defines this verb as "to hear something with thoughtful attention, give consideration." Listening requires active participation. Listening involves your whole concentration and focus. Listening considers and is considerate.
Now let's apply this to our lives, mine included. Do we listen to God? God could be trying to say something important to us. Are we too busy in our lives to stop and listen? Do we refuse to listen? Do we know how to listen?
If you look up the word listen in the Bible, you find many references that imply listening to God makes up an integral part of the Christian life. The Bible is very clear on what happens if you listen or not. Take the Israelite's of the Old Testament, for example, as they refused to hear the words of truth from God's prophets. Ezekiel 3:7, "But the house of Israel is not willing to listen to you because they are not willing to listen to me, for the whole house of Israel is hardened and obstinate." Jeremiah 26:5 also says, "and if you do not listen to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I have sent to you again and again (though you have not listened)."
Perhaps we should take today and work on our listening skills to each other and especially God. Things might even turn out better than we wanted, anticipated, or expected....try it.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Shuffle Saturday: Do Something For Yourself
Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary, which I think can go without saying, is a pretty big deal. We had hoped that we'd be able to go back to my parents house and be able to spend the night at a little Bed and Breakfast where we spent our second night as a married couple and our second anniversary (he was in Iraq on our first anniversary).
In order for us to spend the night at the bed and breakfast, we'd have to have my folks watch the boys. They have just returned from an extended vacation and returned to work this week, so naturally, they're tired. And that's understandable.
Actually, my brother had asked my folks about heading back with his boys this weekend and they turned him down. Since they said no to him, they couldn't say yes to me. Again, understood.
It's important to understand and respect my parents' wishes...if I want them to respect mine. Remember, respect is a two way street.
We had it planned, both ways, for me to go on this ghost hunt, whether we stayed at my parents house or not. Either way, I would ride up with the group from my home or they'd be able to pick me up at my parent's house (as it was on the way).
I am excited (and to be honest, a little nervous) to go on my first ghost hunt. I love the TV Show "Ghost Hunters" and many others.
But I'm doing something for myself. Yes, it will be hard to be that far away from my boys for that long (even if it is just overnight) but I'm excited.
Fingers crossed!
Food Friday: BEER Can Chicken for your Tailgate Party!
My husband, Tim made this great chicken recipe on the grill. Even the leftovers, toasted chicken sandwiches (BBQ and ranch) watered in our mouths. This would be a great recipe for you tailgate parties or for any outdoor guests.
3.5-4 lb chicken
12 oz can of beer
1 TB kosher salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp dried thyme
2 cloves garlic, bay leaves
- Preheat grill or set up charcoal grill for indirect grilling.
- Combine salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, smoked paprika, thyme to create a dry rub and apply all over the chicken as well as inside the cavity.
- Open the can of beer and take a couple of gulps.
- Add the garlic cloves and a few bay leaves to the beer.
- Set the chicken on the can of beer by sliding the chicken cavity over the beer. Or use a beer can chicken holder.
- Set the chicken upright on the grill with indirect heat. If you are not using a holder, double check the legs to make sure the chicken is standing securely.
- Close the lid and cook the chicken until the internal temperature registers 180°. This could take anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on the size of the chicken and the heat of your grill. I usually allow about an hour.
- When the chicken is done, remove carefully and allow to rest about 10 minutes.
- Carefully remove the beer can.
- Carve the bird up however you do it and eat!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Food Friday: Beer Can Chicken for the Tailgate Grill!
Ingredients: 3.5-4 lb chicken, 12 oz can of beer, 1 TB kosher salt, 1 tsp black pepper, 1 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp smoked paprika, 1/2 tsp dried thyme, 2 cloves garlic, bay leaves
- Preheat grill or set up charcoal grill for indirect grilling.
- Combine salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, smoked paprika, thyme to create a dry rub and apply all over the chicken as well as inside the cavity.
- Open the can of beer and take a couple of gulps.
- Add the garlic cloves and a few bay leaves to the beer.
- Set the chicken on the can of beer by sliding the chicken cavity over the beer. Or use a beer can chicken holder.
- Set the chicken upright on the grill with indirect heat. If you are not using a holder, double check the legs to make sure the chicken is standing securely.
- Close the lid and cook the chicken until the internal temperature registers 180°. This could take anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on the size of the chicken and the heat of your grill. I usually allow about an hour.
- When the chicken is done, remove carefully and allow to rest about 10 minutes.
- Carefully remove the beer can.
- Carve the bird up however you do it and eat!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Toy Thursday: Thank you, Steve Jobs
I took a deep breath (as I was afraid of where this was going) and said, "Well, because he did great things. He was an inventor. You know mommy's ipod? He invented that. And he invented Apple Computers. And the company that created Buzz and Woody and Nemo and Lightning McQueen."
He got really quiet and said, "Woody's dad died?"
Well, no. But sort of. If Steve Jobs had never graced the Earth with his presence, imagination and ingenuity, would we have our ipods or would we still be carrying around walkmans?
And without Steve Jobs, would my son have his Toy Story buddies? To be honest, I can't imagine my son's childhood without those guys. No Buzz would mean no one yelling, "To infinity and beyond!"
Thank you, Steve Jobs. Thank you for all of the items you created to make my life easier...but as a mother, thank you for allowing my child to believe that his toys are like Andy's. That Buzz and Woody play at night. That a cowboy and an astronaut can get along.
Image property of Pixar
And that anyone, no matter where they came from can go to "infinity and beyond."
Thank you, Steve Jobs
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Wash Wednesday: Not All Laundry Detergents Are Created Equal
I was wrong. So VERY wrong. Not only did my clothes not get clean, they seemed to be dirtier than they were when I put them in! How is that even possible?
But like I say, if you learn from it, it really wasn't a mistake. So please, learn from me. I tried saving a few pennies and ended up spending even more in energy costs, water and additional detergent.
Not all laundry detergents are created equal.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Tip Tuesday: Dirty Shoes
With three boys under the age of 6, I don't have time to take a rag and spot clean our shoes. I remove the laces and just throw them in the washer on cold. Yep, that's it. I use detergent to get them clean.
Once they're done, I pull them out and stuff them with newspaper (yay! a practical use of the Des Moines Register!!) so they don't lose their shape. I let them dry overnight and voila! Clean shoes!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Make Monday: Create Paper Bag Pumpkins
It is pumpkin season and what better way to celebrate than make pumpkins to decorate your house for the season. So if you have a cold, rainy day stuck indoors that is keeping you from visiting the pumpkin patch or apple orchard, then get out your paints for some pumpkin fun. Judah and I created these brown paper bag pumpkins to add some decorations for around the house while at the same time enjoying season.
Brown paper lunch bags
Orange, red, yellow, and green washable, finger paints
Green ribbon
Tissue paper or newspaper
Clothespins or tape to hang bags
Open your brown paper lunch bags to make the lunch sack flat including the sides of the bag. Using and mixing orange, red, and yellow paints, finger paint designs across the bottom 3/4 of the bag of the side that is flat. On the remaining space at the top, use green paint to cover the portion of the bag. Hang to dry with tape or clothespins. Do as many bags as you want.
The next day or once the paint is dry, you may open the bag up and fill with waded pieces of leftover tissue paper or newspaper. When the bag is full up to the top of the orange color, close shut and tie with a green ribbon to resemble the stem. Decorate as you desire.
For a more complete pumpkin look, paint the other side of the bag by adjusting the sides flat again once the first side is dry. You may otherwise glue orange tissue paper pieces to the outside of the bag instead of paint. To decorate faces, cut out eyes and mouth from black construction paper and glue to bag after painted. You may choose to use facial features found and cut from a leftover magazine for some weird, funny, or scary faces. Substitute filling the bag with candy and give to a special friend as a Halloween gift.
Lessons learned
Judah had fun with this activity as it was very simple for him to do. He enjoyed using his finger paints. We then hung up the bags with tape but when we took them down the tape ripped the bag a small amount.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Salvation Sunday: Let the Little Children Come!

Now that Judah is getting older, his child-like faith comes out in many different cute ways. While at an outdoor Christian concert this summer, the band took a moment to talk. The music was still playing but in hushed tones as the lead singer gave his testimony. Judah took a moment to turn to me with his hands folded and head bowed to tell me we were praying. His sincere countenance about broke my heart.
Likewise lately, I have been trying to squeeze in a morning devotional before my day gets too complicated. I put my devotional book in his room as he likes to play in the morning before or after breakfast. I then have a few minutes before we finish dressing that I can read the day's devotional. I usually read it to myself but I have talked to Judah about reading the verse for today meaning a quick short paraphrase for him to repeat. And he does repeat it as he plays with his toys and then we move on for the day.
One night as Tim was putting him to bed, Judah grabbed the devotional off his bookshelf and gave it to dad to "read verses." I about cried when Tim told me cause you never know if what you do is impacting and if they actually get it.
I tell you these things not to brag or say I got it together. Heaven knows the mistakes I make, the bad examples I set, and the times I forget to do devotions. I just want to simply share with you what child-like faith looks like.
Jesus' profound statement, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these," in Matthew 19:14, rings true today. Kids soak up these words fast as I am finding out. These Bible lessons for our life do matter and the seeds we plant take root in ways of child-like faith.
The lesson for us is too come to God through our own inner child. Having child-like faith as it resembles that of a child allows us to experience the kingdom of God in its truest form.
Have you ever really watched the child-like faith of a child? Children become animated and sincere in their excitement. They describe in detail their hurts, burdens, emotions, and even confessions. Their child-like faith allows them to forgive easily, love easily, and trust easily. They do not worry about days into the future.
Come to Jesus today! Share your heart with him in sincerity like a child would. Tell Him all your burdens and frustrations. Repent and ask for forgiveness. Love and trust Him completely. Guarante the kingdom of God will be yours if you do.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Shuffle Saturday: Bumbo Recall
Serious Head Injuries Prompt Recall of Bumbo Baby Sitter Seats - New Warnings and Instructions to Be Provided To Consumers
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
Name of Product: Bumbo "Baby Sitter" Seats
Units: About 1 million
Manufacturer: Bumbo International, of South Africa
Hazard: If the seat is placed on a table, countertop, chair, or other elevated surface, young children can arch their backs, flip out of the Bumbo seat, and fall onto the floor, posing a risk of serious head injuries.
Incidents/Injuries: CPSC has received 28 reports of young children falling out of the Bumbo Baby Sitter seat, including three skull fractures, which occurred when children fell out of chairs that had been placed on tables.
Description: The bottom of the children's seat is round and flat with a diameter of about 15 inches. It is constructed of a single piece of molded foam and comes in yellow, blue, purple, pink, aqua, and lime green. The seat has leg holes and seat back that wraps completely around the child. On the front of the seat in raised lettering is the word "Bumbo" with the image of an elephant on top. The bottom of the seat has the following words: "Manufactured by Bumbo South Africa Material: Polyurethane World Patent No. PCT: ZA/1999/00030." The back of the seat contains the following "WARNING" - "Never use on a raised surface. Never use as a car seat or bath seat. Designed for floor level use only. Never leave your baby unattended as the seat is not designed to be totally restrictive and may not prevent release of your baby in the event of vigorous movement."
Sold by: Target, Wal-Mart, Sears, Toys R Us, Babies R Us, USA Babies and various other toy and children's stores nationwide, and various online sellers, from August 2003 through October 2007 for about $40.
Manufactured in: South Africa
Remedy: Consumers should never use the infant seat on a table, countertop, chair, or other elevated surface. Consumers can contact Bumbo to obtain new warning label stickers and instructions, free of charge. The new warning label will state: "WARNING - Prevent Falls; Never use on any elevated surface." Consumers should use the Bumbo seat at ground level, but should never leave a child unattended.
Consumer Contact: Contact Bumbo International at (888) 376-4763 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or visit the firm's Web site at