My boys stink. I'll admit it. They get nightly baths but they stink. They're boys. I think it is in the Y chromosome. I recall being younger, my brother always smelled. He loved footie pajamas but his feet would stink SO BAD. And in the summer? If he ever wore sandals those would stink. I remember mom making him take his shoes off on the back porch and leave them outside because they smelled so bad.
My middle child, Sean, always smelled. Ever since he was a baby. His tiny baby head, instead of smelling like a sweet baby, he smelled like a musty old matter how much lotion, baby soap, powder we put on him...he smelled like an old man. It was his musk.
Now that spring/summer is upon us again, I must face the stench that is little boys feet. My oldest son, any time he wears sandals, his feet stink. I'm afraid "stinky" (Sean) will have the same fate this summer. I even noticed Baby B's (9 months) feet are starting to stink.
I've found that the Target brand nighttime bath soap works pretty well for cleaning and making the boys smell nice. As they get baths at night (because I'm not putting them to bed smelly) they can smell good for a little bit.
Ah, summer. Windows open, farmer's markets, swimming pools and stinky feet. I've missed you.
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