
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Toy Thursday: It's a Book

I don't give my kids handheld games. I don't let them play video games. They don't have a Nintendo DS, they don't have a NOOK. They don't even play on our computer.

I'm a mean mom.

But they do know about their books. Which is why when I ran across "It's a Book" at our local bookstore, I had to get it.While the book may not be best for small children, it is a fun read for older kids and adults. In the book, it says you don't need to plug it in, you don't need a's a book.

As an English Literature Major, I cherish my books. I love the smell of old books, I love the smell of new books. I love the crackling of binding of new books and I love the soft covers of old books.

I even love the smell of the Scholastic book orders my preschooler brings home. It takes me back to my first love, books.

So yes, I may be a "mean mom" but my preschooler can read. And he LOVES his books. Our two year old got FOUR books for his birthday...and they came in a close second to his "froggy hat" as his favorite gift.

Books. They don't need charged, batteries or a password. Just imagination.

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