
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Shuffle Saturday: Civic Responsibility

*As always, these blog posts are my own viewpoints and in no way are reflective of or endorsed by "Friends of Maplenol Barn" or Save the Barn Committee.*

My kids have had a busy week when it comes to things mommy is involved in. I am on the Board of Directors of Friends of the Maplenol Barn and I am the Communications Director for CAPE PAC. On Thursday, FMB held a fundraising event for the barn called Barn Aid. It was a show of Country stars and good friends. Liam tried to get them to "turn it down" a few times. He had never been at a concert before and, well, he didn't like the loud music. Sean, on the other hand, LOVED it.

Both of my boys got to go backstage and loved it. I tried to explain to my five year old that not everyone gets to go backstage, only special people. He looked at me, smiled and said, "I know. Because I'm special."

They all knew why we were there, though. It was for the barn. And everyone had a great time.

Sean backstage

Liam backstage
On Saturday morning, we got up bright and early, bundled up and trekked downtown for the TEA Party rally. The boys had a great time meeting some of my Political friends and running a bit in the shadow of the State Capitol.

Liam and I discussed taxes, Government involvement and how it all works. And, of course, we got to hear some great speakers.

It's been a busy week but my boys learned about preserving history, how Government works and the importance of being involved in your community!

You can turn your passions into a learning opportunity for your matter what side of the aisle you lean towards.

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