This morning we tried flying a kite until we just got too cold. Judah found his Easter present early and with a little morning sunshine peeking through, we decided to go outside for some fun. The kite made its way up in the air making Judah all the more excited.
Flying a kite together this morning as a family made me think of Easter traditions. What do you do with your family for Easter weekend?
Usually our weekend is filled with lots of Easter activities. Among them we will color eggs, dying them bright spring colors and decorating them with stickers. We hunt for candy filled plastic eggs spread all over the farm grounds. We participate in a Good Friday service and celebrate Easter morning again at church. We read the Easter story and share Easter baskets followed by feast and family for dinner.
This year, our neighbor friends made us a special treat. They brought us a pink egg laid by a great big baking hen. Making a pink batch of Rice Krispies, they covered a purple plastic candy filled egg with the gooey treat.
No matter what Easter traditions you enjoy year after year, the real tradition is spending the time with family. Do not be too busy this year to sit down with your family and talk about the gifts of Easter. Happy Easter! May it be sweet!
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