One of my favorite chores is to wash Judah's clothes. Every since his birth, I have delighted in washing and folding his clothes. His load contains little, adorable clothes... man clothes only on a smaller version...bib overalls, little swim trunks, hooded sweatshirts, and footed pajamas. I never get tired of doing his laundry as I love to sort items and fold endless amounts of new clothes, consigned clothes, and borrowed clothes from cousins.
Even this morning, we ran an errand to a local consignment shop to find some much needed summer clothes. We are also glad for the garage sale season upon us that offers countless of opportunities to find cute bargains.
On the other hand, I detest towels, sheets, and sweatshirts. These items take up so much room in your laundry room while you wait to do a load. Plus, it seems like you have multiple loads before you complete their washings. Judah's clothes still make it in one load, thus freeing up a lot of space in the laundry room.
Sometimes, though I get lazy in washing his clothes. I forget to put a bib on, leaving crusty yogurt and black spots on his pajamas. I have also had my share of wet banana stained clothes sit in the laundry room collecting mold. Do not forget about the occasional blow outs that seem to know when the kids is wearing your favorite outfits. Even now, Judah's daily schedule consists of paint, grass, and food stains on his clothes. We get busy though and I forget until wash day comes....Oops....
To keep these clothes looking adorable (and well, usable) I learned to wet his stained, messy clothes down immediately after the messy event. I then apply and smear GOOP, my favorite stain cleaner, over the stained region after it has dried. I hang the garment up and pop it into the washer the next time I do a load of his clothes.
You know GOOP is a heavy duty cleaner when you find it in the automotive section at local department store. Then my father-in-law uses it orange GOOP for his greasy farm hands when he comes indoors to wash up. And as a bonus, the product is non-toxic, biodegradable, and safe to use on children's' hands. And they even make GOOP for on the go.
Most often than not, I have had excellent luck washing the stains out of his clothes even after letting them mold for a week. Thankfully, I have only had to throw a few away because the whole garment was stained and unfortunately these were his cousins (sorry).
I guess I try harder on his clothes because I do think they are adorable and fun. And I want to keep them that way! After all, they are so cute!
I used to keep a small spray bottle on a shelf in my kids' rooms full of Shout. That way I could treat stains the moment the clothes came off instead of realizing two days later that I had forgotten. I should restart that at this house.