I'll admit it. With two boys in diapers, my house can get a little stinky. Plus, they're boys. :) An easy way to keep the house smelling nice is to make your own potpourri.
I try to keep cinnamon sticks on hand for just this occasion. But I'll get to that in a minute.
Yes, I've been sucked in to the Febreze Flameless Luminary but I did have a $5.00 off coupon.
It stays lit for 2 hours before automatically shutting off and the shades actually do keep their scent for a week. It's a little strong at first (as is any scented item) but I've been pleased with it.
I like to keep this item in our bathroom. It's easy to start (just tap the shade on the base) and looks nice. It does look like a candle is flickering in the bathroom and I don't have to worry about little hands getting burned. Win, win!
But for the kitchen I use a different method. And it's FREE!
I use apple peels and cores, orange peels and oranges that are a little "past their prime". Just throw them in a pan and add some water. Set the stove top on low and let it go. Your kitchen will fill with the aroma of apples, oranges, cinnamon, what ever you have in the pan. Be sure you have enough water in the pan at all times...or you'll end up with a burnt on mess at the bottom of your pot and a smokey, stinky kitchen.
Good luck! May all of your kitchen smells be fresh!
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