
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Shuffle Saturday: The "Intelligence" of our Education System

*Disclaimer* These views are completely my own. I have not shared my thoughts and feelings with Emma. You may not agree with me, she may not agree with me. But I have to say this.

I've had the "joy" of working with a school board lately. I'm not impressed. I always held these "adults" up to a high standard. After all, they're the ones who guide the school district and our educational system. That being said, I find myself frustrated when I, someone who is 30+ years younger than most of them, acting like more of an adult. Recently we discovered they were spying on tweets. Nice. THAT'S REAL adult. But I believe in the first amendment. I won't censor myself. I guess some people don't like what they see when a mirror is held up to their face.

I've been watching the events unfold in Wisconsin. I understand why people feel unions are important but, in my opinion, they've served their purpose. We're not in the middle of the industrial revolution. Children are not forced to work in textile mills for 16 hours a day. We've grown past that. And to be honest, I think the auto industry wouldn't have needed a bailout if the Unions were not involved. I can't think of any other occupation that pays $50/hour plus benefits plus pension that only requires a high school diploma.

The teachers in Wisconsin are upset they may lose their collective bargaining with the union. These "educators", who use "think of the children" ad nauseam in arguments about funding, apparently forgot their mantra and refused to go to work. So what's more important? Educating children or what your union heads say. 

Who is suffering because of all of this? The kids. It's not their fault the State of Wisconsin is in the red. And it's not the fault of the Governor, either. If the public sector followed the private sector's lead, they would have been making cuts years ago.

Two years ago, I took a pay freeze in order to save jobs at the company I was working at. Meanwhile teachers were still getting raises. And now they're hurting. The public sector was very short sighted during the recession. Hurt now or hurt later. They chose later. Which is now.

If teachers want to continue to use "won't someone think of the children" maybe they should put their money where their mouth is. Think of the children. Do your job. Don't cause schools to close so you can protest.

And speaking of "adults", I'm irritated at the stunt the Democrats in Wisconsin pulled. They, for lack of a better term, "took their ball and went home." Again, adults. DO YOUR JOBS.

What kind of an example is this teaching our children? Don't like what people say? Don't go to work.  How about these "adults" go back to Wisconsin, represent their district and do their job. If anyone in the private sector ran away from work/failed to show up so they could protest their boss, they'd be fired. Simple as that.

It's time for the public sector to do what the private sector has been doing for years. The public sector can't outpace the private sector in compensation and benefits for years and believe it won't catch up to them. If they do, I worry about sending my children to a public school. They may be better off if I teach them. I know I won't cancel their education if I don't get paid. Then again, I DO "think about the children".

1 comment:

  1. Homeschooling is fun! I did it for four years. I might do it again someday. School is fun too though, and around here I don't quite see that for a typical classroom it's bad at all. I think our ed here is quite good actually. But still, homeschooling is a lot of fun. You might really like it!! I did get burned out though so it's nice to take a break for awhile.


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