There are still a few people out there that send cards in the mail wishing warm sentiments to family and friends. A handwritten note is almost a lost art in this age of quick emails and texts. Even more rare is a home made card expressing your friendship and love for the special occasion or just because.
Perhaps that is why like most people, I save those few cards I receive from loved ones. And few people with the exception of my grandma even send out cards on a daily basis with news from home.
A few years ago, my third grade teacher, knowing that I rubber stamp home made cards, cleaned out years and years of collected holiday cards. I tore off the insides of the cards and saved the remaining pictures on the front to recycle into new home made cards.
I still do that today. I keep the note in my archived momentos, tearing off the front for further creativity to strike. I then throw them into a drawer in my craft closet for my next card making day.
Using my stamps, odds and ends ribbons and fabrics, and embellishments, I come up with a whole new card. Reducing the amount of store bought cards at almost $5.00 a card, I instead recycle fun designs and scenic pictures off of cards. I stamp a saying inside and bingo, I have a brand new and blank card.
People cherish the few minutes it took to actually make a hand made card and write a note. In the process you save money buying cards for celebrations and holidays. And you also recycle tons of paper, saving a few trees along the way.
And for an avid scrapbooker, you save money on a ton of stamps and embellishments by using resources within reach. The sky is the limit as you learn to be creative with what you have. I love setting out cut out cards and thinking of a new designs with what I already have, almost like a challenging puzzle.
Sometimes, I splurge on cheap blank cards in the dollar section at Target and Michael's for gluing on these recycled items. Other times, I use card stock from the copy paper you can find in the office store (you do not need acid free for cards unless you are using photos). I then add ribbons, cheap brads, or leftover stamps items from a previous project. Other times, I punch out an object or use a lost button for an additional embellishment.
For more frugal tips, visit Learning the Frugal Life Tip Tuesday.

Fellow scrapper here. Love this post! Aren't nice cards outrageously priced at the store? THank you for joining the Frugal Tuesday Tip!
ReplyDeleteLove this idea! I have been feeling the urge to start making my own cards. Using old cards is a fabulous idea and makes it seem not so intimidating. Thanks for linking up!
ReplyDeleteI save old cards and turn them into new gift tags. I have a tag punch that I use to make the tags with. I bought it a few years ago at Hobby Lobby with a 50% off coupon. It has been well worth the money spent. I have not bought tags for gifts in forever!
ReplyDeleteGood idea Melissa - I had not thought of that. I make my gift tags with little stamps I have, cutting them into circles or squares. This sounds like a good idea though using even the smallest designs on cards. I will have to try it!
ReplyDeleteHave you seen that sometimes you can carefully take out the white middle part of a card and reuse the whole thing?! I had a couple wedding cards that I was able to do that with, it was crazy.