Looking at our nation's history, which we celebrate today on this Independence Day, we are surrounded by God's many blessings. Our founding fathers, in their discernment and wisdom, gave birth to a democratic republic with godly ideals of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Americans uphold freedoms of religion, press, and the right to assemble. Our Lady Liberty represents a mixing pot of all earth's peoples who live out these ideals. Our vast land remains safe in between oceans and contains numerous natural resources, fertile soil, and majestic scenery. Our history is full of entrepreneurs, heroes, and inventors. Truly fellow Americans, we are blessed.
Perhaps this blessing comes from a long history of "trusting in God." These words written on our currency has been written on our hearts through depression, wars, discovery, exploration, and prosperity.
This blessing is NOT guaranteed though!
I like the story of Uzziah (II Chronicles 26) in the Old Testament. He followed God's commands, living in obedience and total trust. And God blessed him with peace, wealth, and honor.
The Bible says a few verses later, "But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall." How true this rings, especially so close to home.
World history shows nations rising up with purpose and strength, only to turn away from God and fall into ruble, never to rise again. Similarly, as individuals we often have everything going for us and in that moment of success we become prideful of our OWN capabilities and abilities, forgetting our God.
Let us not forget this 4th day of July our Independence as a nation as well as our liberty found in Jesus Christ. He has made us rich beyond worthiness. Let us put our "trust" fully back into Him. Perhaps only then we will continue being blessed.
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