
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Salvation Sunday: Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman....And Bob VanderPlaats

Yep. I'm getting on my soapbox again. Late last week I heard about Bob VanderPlaats and his marriage vow he's asking Presidential candidates to sign. I read it and then couldn't believe someone would actually sign it. While I agree with a lot of it, I would never sign anything like that.

If you want to read the vow, click here.

But a quick review was provided by the Wall Street Journal," Mr. Vander Plaats's "Marriage Vow" asks signers to agree to 14 policy positions aimed at supporting traditional, heterosexual marriage. They must commit to marital fidelity in their own lives, to oppose the federal recognition of gay marriage, and to fight prostitution, pornography and Sharia law.

Mr. Vander Plaats said he wants the pledges returned by Aug.1 so he can announce who signed, and who didn't, before the state's Ames Straw Poll, a landmark on the presidential nominating calendar. "It's pretty clear cut," he says. "Why wouldn't they sign it?"

I mentioned it on my facebook page and said, "Dear BVP, Your "marriage vow" document does nothing for me. I pledged my faithfulness to my husband in front of family, friends and God. And if it is good enough for the Pope, I think it should be good enough for you. Just sayin."

And I stand by that. While I don't have anything against him, I don't see where Bob VanderPlaats fits in the picture. When I made my vows, I meant them. That should be enough. For me...for any Presidential candidate and for Bob VanderPlaats.

1 comment:

  1. This is just so weird. I mean, really above the board weird. XP I said it on Facebook and I will say it here: This guy's nutter butters.


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