
Monday, December 19, 2011

Make Monday: Make an Effort to Turn OFF the Electronics

Sometimes I find myself thinking how did our stay-at-home moms do it without the Internet at home. I mean when I am feeling down on a day stuck at home, I get on the Internet and socialize with other moms on face book and email. These are good places to vent about your insane days with the kids, find solace and advice, and lift each other's spirits knowing that you are not alone. Moms (especially stay-at-home moms) feel more connected to each other and the world around them thanks to modern electronics.

The previous generation would have had the telephone but who wants to be on that after screaming kids. Every since the day I received over 100 messages on my work phone, I am one to totally screen my calls and take my time returning calls (sorry but realize it is not just you). Instead I spend my time sending a quick, to-the-point text when necessary.

Other times I relish the quiet when I can get away from the accessibility and convenience of electronics. One of my favorite things about our summer vacation trip to Canada is the lack of Internet and Blackberry access being in the middle of no where. And I love it! No calls to return. No obligations to fulfill. No temptation of being on the Internet for hours and posting about my life.

I do spend my fair share of time on the Internet doing my regular things: news, blog obviously, email, shop, and even my devotions (cause I am more productive than opening a book sometimes). It is at these times that I notice how much we all spend on our computers and smart phones twittering and face booking. It is so easy to do. I know because sometimes I get bored with the same old face book posts.

I have become concerned with our addiction to this modern technology though because I know how much time it can take away from daily life. I find it discouraging when I open my face book "stories" to find the same person has left the last five posts in a row. Or when I see people get up in the morning and go immediately to check their email on their smart phone even before going to the bathroom, let alone say good morning to their loved ones. And how about those relatives that will be browsing on their phone during your holiday party in the middle of a conversation with them. Enough. Obviously we need to rearrange our priorities because this is pathetic.

I want to scream (but internally of course), "get off the electronic device (insert phone, computer, and television) already." You have kids and spouses that need your attention. Enjoy the quiet of the day. Do something more worthwhile. And lessen the noise cause life throws so much at us as it is.

So I encourage all of us (myself included) to limit the electronic noise this Christmas season. In fact confiscate the phone. Turn off the computer. Think twice when turning on the television just for background noise. And enjoy your special time with your loved ones while reflecting on the joy of the season.

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