If you have a toddler in the house then chances are you are going to go through a lot of wrapping paper, bows, tape, and stickers this Christmas season. Unless you happen to only wrap gifts after toddler hours.
A while back I wrote about how I like to set up a wrapping station. This will allow me to wrap Christmas gifts as I get them (or have them delivered, rather) to save time later wrapping at the last minute.
This concept works great except when you want to wrap daddy's gifts during the day while he is away at work. Not only do you run into the problem of your toddler spilling the beans on his every gift (sorry dad, no surprises), but you run into the problem of managing your little elf helper.
So the other day, I did just that. I got out the wrapping paper and tape to spread out on the floor below my wrapping station. I also got out the scissors trying to keep these out of reach of little hands. And we started wrapping.
Judah was my big helper if you can only imagine. He unwrapped the roll of paper and proceeded to jump on it crinkling it all up. Next, he wanted to help with the tape and by helping I mean one very long piece of crumbled up on the gift box. He then found some stickers in with the gift tags. So I started him on decorating a gift box while I finished wrapping the other gift. This lasted until he stuck all the stickers on the box and because I was not finished, he wanted to move the stickers over to another box. And now you guessed it, we have remnants of Christmas stickers all over the house. Still he was excited about his sticker decorations, showing dad when he came home all the while telling dad what the contents of the box were.
And now days later, Judah walks around with little scraps of wrapping paper with rolled up objects. He pretends to give them to you as your present. Your part is too act excited and of course surprised (perhaps it is to find something you have been missing in the process).
It is all in good fun I suppose. Kids are what make Christmas memorable including the chore of wrapping gifts. Just turn the chore into a game and a fun activity. And forget about perfect looking wrapped gifts knowing that the time spent is more important doing it together. I may be wrapping twice as long and cleaning up more after the fact (not to mention the floor needs vacuumed now), but it is fun to have my little elf be my helper.
I am very excited to get my new pants and shoes! Little did Emma know that my little elf spy was checking out my presents for me.
ReplyDeleteStinker. That's why I wait until someone (ahem, daddy) takes him out of the house to wrap. :)