Now that it has turned rainy, cold, and gets dark earlier in the evening, I need more craft ideas of activities for Judah to do to pass the time indoors. I was thinking about this today as Judah and I got the paints out once again.
When he got the paint out, he mixed the the colors with his hands and asked for a paper towel. Then he proceeded to wipe off his hands transferring the color to the towel. As the towel turned green, he told me he was making play dough.
Which reminds me that we should make some more homemade play dough again soon. It is a good activity to foster creativity and use up energy that otherwise would drive mom crazy if unchecked. But then play dough indoors, really? As some moms express, it can be messy. All that play dough in the carpet.
Other activities too are so much fun and help pass the time. For example, creating an indoor sandbox provides entertainment as kids scoop, pour, and push the contents around. However, the last time Judah played with the rice mixture, he left a large trail around the house for me to vacuum. Then you can make magic mud, a homemade silly putty. That is even more messy.
Back to the drawing board for ideas with less mess. I think not. Why should mess deter us from having fun and being creative. And I could certainly use the distraction for this busy toddler.
Solution! During play group this morning the subject came up regarding crafts. And once again, my neighbor friend reminded us to utilize the BATHTUB. The bathtub is the perfect crafting venue. The tub will minimize the mess by keeping it contained. And if the child gets too messy, all you have to do is wash the tub, rinse off the child, and clean your tools.
Mystery solved. So back to some messy concoctions. See you on the flip side.
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