
Monday, November 28, 2011

Make Monday: Gift wrap your own Box!

Now that Christmas season is upon us, it will soon be time to start wrapping presents. Many people wrap presents as part of their Christmas festivities while some simply check off this chore from their to do list.

Personally, I like to wrap my presents as I get them. Setting up a wrapping station for the month of December eliminates the stress and hassle of waiting at the last minute. My parents on the other hand enjoyed wrapping everything together before Christmas day. I can remember waiting with anticipation as they would bring one wrapped gift after another from their room every few minutes. As they put it under the tree, us kids would try to guess who it was for and keep track of how many we had.

Looking though for a different way to wrap gifts. This year I have a whole lot of finger painted banner pictures from our many projects to use as wrapping paper. In the past I have enjoyed using recycled paper bags for an antique look with giant fabric bows. Colored cellophane also is fun to use to wrap odd looking shapes. And of course, recycle cards to use as gift tags.

Here is one of my favorites though that could involve a family craft....I discovered this delightful, pretty way to wrap a shoe box from a friend who gave us a box of Christmas cookies once. I even liked hers so much, I store Christmas decorations inside.

As you wrap your regular presents, save all your small Christmas scraps of wrapping paper. Then recycle an old, empty shoe box by decorating the scraps onto the box as a collage. Use clear tape to overlap different pieces (shapes and colors) onto the box . Decorate the lid so that the box can still close. Line the inside with tissue paper and store the gift contents inside.

Happy Gift Wrapping!

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