
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Shuffle Saturday: Sixth Birthday (Green Bay) Surprise

My big boy turns six today. How is that even possible?? It feels like yesterday I was in the hospital having trouble with his delivery. And he's already six years old???

Later today we'll be having a birthday party for him. He's requested a Green Bay Packers Birthday party. I found this great idea on Pinterest and had to try it. We pulled it off. As one of his gifts, we got him a (SUPER SOFT) Green Bay Packers blanket and put it on his bed after he went to sleep. We filled 20 Green and Yellow balloons and took them into his room--hoping that he wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night and turn on his fan. We also got him a really cool Green Bay Packers cup and set it at his spot on the dining room table.

When he woke up this morning, he came into my room and said, "Mommy! I already saw my blanket and balloons. THAT WAS AWESOME!" Daddy has to work this morning so he was somewhat sad that he was going to miss Liam's reaction.

Liam then ventured out to the living room/dining room and said, "Oh COOL! A Green Bay cup!! This is like a Birthday-Egg Hunt!"

He still has a few more gifts to open from us and guests are scheduled to arrive around 2. Daddy doesn't get off of work until 1. I hope I can get a shower/make all of the dips/decorate/maintain my sanity before the guests show up.

But so far, it's been a success. Happy Birthday, Liam. I can't believe you're already six.

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