It might backfire on me but up until now, I have been teaching Judah not to touch things by saying it is "icky" and that we do not play with it. You know items like electronic cords (his particular favorite), cords to the blinds, outlets, a piece of used trash outside on the ground, and so on; things that are dangerous in nature.
Well now that Judah can talk, everything now becomes "icky" from the smallest fuzzy to pieces of food on his hands. He walks by something on the ground and you here this "ICKYYY." Glad to know we cannot touch it Judah (but of course mommy removes it, picks it up, or moves it to keep him from getting it which defeats the point).
Anyways, Judah still has gotten into things that are not really toys. Imagine my horror when Judah found the piece of claw from the cat laying on the floor only to pick it up and eat it. I got there too slow. I had prepared myself for the cat food (which we went for even after lunch time) and someday probably the cat litter (yuck!) which is currently gated off. You are still never quite prepared for your kid to eat things like potting soil by the mouthfuls which you realize after the fact might be poisonous as it contains fertilizer.
I know I am biding my time until Judah really gets into stuff that are certainly not toys to play with. I have only to think about our friends and neighbors as we share the embarrassing stories. My personal favorite story is still about our best man's four-year old daughter. While mommy and sister were still taking a nap (and because she was not sleeping), she decided to get out the nail polish and paint her nails pink. And her toes. And the floor. And the magazine. And the bathroom rugs. Then on her way to the makeup drawer, she somehow decided that the toilet with the lid down looked like a big giant toe. At least that is what she told mommy. After that came the mascara. Mascara on the doll house. Mascara on the play dishes. Mascara all over her face. Next came the sunblock. Sunblock all over the bathroom floor. Sunblock on the dolly because "she was hot." By this time, mommy woke up to find her eating a snack of frozen blueberries and shredded cheese. You know all that talent makes you hungry.
You laugh because you are currently in the bathroom trying to picture how your toilet looks like a big giant toe. And you realize that it does look like a big giant toe. Thankfully we can laughingly share these moments (after discipline of course) between moms. That is if we are not too embarrassed to admit that our child was that child that ate poop or played in the toilet when you were not nearby.
Laughter aside though, perhaps this is a good, simple reminder to have safety precautions around the house. You know the phone number for the the poison control center (which is very helpful by the way), locks on the cupboards, chemicals put up high, or the blind cords cut short. As a new mom, I am still learning as I turn each corner but for the time being at our house, it is "Icky." You never know when the child will turn it into a toy!
Find your local Poison Control Center!
Take a First Aid Course!
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